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启发式算法——蜻蜓算法《Dragonfly algorithm,DA》的MATLAB版本
2021-01-28 05:02:47 9KB 元启发式算法 蜻蜓算法
2020-01-08 03:07:47 5.54MB GWO 狼群优化
启发式算法设计与实现 ISBN: 978-0-470-27858-1 Hardcover 624 pages June 2009 This book provides a complete background on metaheuristics and shows readers how to design and implement efficient algorithms to solve complex optimization problems across a diverse range of applications, from networking and bioinformatics to engineering design, routing, and scheduling. It presents the main design questions for all families of metaheuristics and clearly illustrates how to implement the algorithms under a software framework to reuse both the design and code. Throughout the book, the key search components of metaheuristics are considered as a toolbox for: Designing efficient metaheuristics (e.g. local search, tabu search, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, scatter search, ant colonies, bee colonies, artificial immune systems) for optimization problems Designing efficient metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization problems Designing hybrid, parallel, and distributed metaheuristics Implementing metaheuristics on sequential and parallel machines Using many case studies and treating design and implementation independently, this book gives readers the skills necessary to solve large-scale optimization problems quickly and efficiently. It is a valuable reference for practicing engineers and researchers from diverse areas dealing with optimization or machine learning; and graduate students in computer science, operations research, control, engineering, business and management, and applied mathematics.
2019-12-21 22:21:39 6.69MB 启发式算法,设计实现
进阶生产规划及排程系统 便是利用先进的信息科技及规划技术,例如基因算法﹝Genetic Algorithm﹞、限制理论﹝Theory of Constraints﹞、作业分析 ﹝Operations Research﹞、 生产仿真﹝Simulation﹞及限制条件满足技术﹝Constraint Satisfaction Technique﹞等,在考虑企业资源﹝主要为物料与产能﹞限制条件与生产现场的控制与派工法则下,规划可行的物 料需求计划与生产排程计划,以满足顾客需求及面对竞争激烈的市场。进阶生产规划及排程亦提供了what-if 的分析,可以让规划者快速结合生产信息﹝如订单、途程、存货、BOM与产能限 制等﹞,作出平衡企业利益与顾客权益的最佳规划和决策。
2019-12-21 22:05:45 8.83MB APS 车间调度 遗传算法 退火算法
DIRECT 算法是由 Jones 等人提出的一种确定性全局优化算法特别适用于具有确定变量空间的函数寻优。 DIRECT 优化算法 matlab程序 特点: 1、附带帮助文档,原理解释清晰可靠 2、该算法全局改进带约束
2019-12-21 21:48:43 2.69MB 优化算法 全局优化 matlab 启发式算法
2019-12-21 21:47:44 102KB vrptw 退火算法 启发式算法
2019-12-21 21:46:40 1KB tag
组合式优化问题 组合式优化问题 „ 七桥问题 „ 最短路径问题 „ 公路连接问题 „ 旅行商问题 „ 函数优化问题 „ 无约束函数优化问题 无约束函数优化问题 „ 有约束函数优化问题 有约束函数优化问题 „ 混合优化问题 „ 函数优化+组
2019-12-21 21:39:25 678KB 启发式算法 航班恢复