2024-02-29 23:33:15 335KB 模拟量0~20mA
2024-02-29 20:46:24 277KB
ASP 系统设计 实现。源码+lw。毕设+课设
2024-02-29 18:57:04 2.8MB java 源码
ASP 系统设计 实现。源码+lw。毕设+课设
2024-02-29 18:53:45 1.15MB java 源码
There are eight directories, representing the eight chapters of the C# Primer text, in which Visual Studio.NET projects are stored. These have all been compiled under a post-Release Candidate, but before the final product release. So, conceivably, these projects may not compiler when you attempt to build them. If that is so, first check my home page for updates (www.objectwrite.com). If your problem is not covered, please mail me at slippman@microsoft.com. I don’t have a good organization for the ASP.NET projects. You may have to open your own, then copy in the form and code behind files. I’ll try to clean that up when I have time. The project listing under each chapter for this release looks as follows: Chapter 1: ArrayListHashtable Arrays BasicTypes FibonacciTries gcFinalize Strings SystemIO Chapter 2: Class Design Enum MatrixVector ParamPassing Stack WordCount Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming LibraryMaterial QueryManager Chapter 4: Interfaces binaryTree bitvector Fibonacci Chapter 5: System Framework Environment ExploreRegEx FileIO pathIO RegularExpression socketsClient socketsServer threads XmlDocument XmlDom XmlMisc XmlParse XmlSchema XPath Xslt Chapter 6: Windows.Forms Buttons DataGrid DialogMenu FileDialog HelloWindows HelloWindowsForms ListBox PictureBox Pictures XMLDataGrid Chapter 7: ASP.NET (incomplete) Figure 7_4 Figure 7_5 Figure 7_6 Chapter 8: The Common Language Runtime Assemblies Attributes collectionBinary ildasm reflection serialize tester timer Pictures Textfiles Xmlfiles
2024-02-29 14:08:18 3.2MB
2024-02-28 23:40:00 252KB 龙书,答案
编译原理中文版 就是最最经典的龙书 编译原理圣书 国内的编译原理教材都是在这本书基础上改改。 因为太大,要下载另一个文件编译原理中文版.part2.rar,一起解压。也在我的上传资源里
2024-02-25 23:00:27 17MB 编译原理
使用前请阅读: 1.安装前请确定有管理员权限,请确定你是在Windows 7/Office 2010(以上)环境下执行此安装操作。 2.SOP TOOL 2014是基于EXCEL 2010 Addin 编制。具有方便,高效,省事,通用性强等特点, 可自由适配任意基准书格式。特别适用于公司开发部门或工程技术部门制作产品的作业标准书(SOP)。 是广大苦逼工程师的福音。 3.安装完成后,打开Excel 可发现功能区出现SOP TOOL 2014 选项卡即为该软件。 4.如要重新安装该软件,需先卸载旧版本。 5.欢迎各位免费使用及传播该软件,如发现BUG请及时联络:6528773@qq.com V2.1--->V3.0 变更内容: 1)优化结构及算法 2)修正相关BUG V2.1--->V2.3 变更内容: 1)修正了基准书格式中的VBA代码。 2)追加添加现有页功能 3)修正工时栏相关BUG
2024-02-25 19:57:23 2.77MB 作业基准书 作业指导书 EXCEL
2024-02-23 20:46:05 2.39MB 设计模式
radware负载均衡设备 linkproof 的配置指导书,全中文,详细讲述linkproof设备的配置方法。
2024-02-23 14:48:16 15.96MB radware linkproof