2021-10-29 16:10:35 6.42MB 计算机科学
Price-prediction-and-recommendation-of-second-hand-housing-in-Shanghai Price prediction and recommendation of second-hand housing in Shanghai(上海地区二手房价格预测及推荐) 先上系统运行的截图: 1、本系统为本人读研数据课课程project。 2、本系统主要功能:爬取链家上海地区二手房信息,使用postgresql的机器学习库MADlib,采用KNN算法对用户输入的需求信息预测房价及推荐五个相似房源。 3、开发环境:centos7 64位、PostgreSQL9.5、MadLib1.13、pgAdmin4.2、Python2.7(web部分)、python3.6(数据爬取及处理部分) 本系统web显示界面在好友蒋雯协助下完成,其他工作由我完成。 da
2021-10-28 20:47:43 3.58MB Python
这些工具可帮助您构建 Simscape Multibody Second Generation (2G) 模型,该模型提供与 Simscape Multibody First Generation (1G) 模型相同的行为。 MATLAB 代码会扫描您的 1G 模型,自动转换尽可能多的 1G 模块,并提供诊断信息,指示需要修改哪些 1G 约定以使模型与 2G 建模约定兼容。 然后,您可以将自动创建的 2G 模块组装成一个模型,该模型的行为与原始 1G 模型相同。 请阅读 README.txt 文件和 PDF 文件以开始使用。 PDF 文件解释了此工具启用的转换过程、诊断消息,并指导您完成教程练习以帮助您开始转换模型。 此工具适用于 MATLAB 版本 R2013a 及更高版本。 了解如何使用 Simscape Multibody 为凸轮从动机构建模: https://www.mathwo
2021-10-27 18:58:04 8.68MB matlab
二手交易平台 预览地址: : 1M宽带,网速较慢,请轻点。 用户登录和注册功能 用户基本修改功能 用户登录后可修改基本信息,如修改头像,修改昵称,修改密码,头像上传修改,昵称修改实时保存。 编辑地址功能 添加新地址,没有任何地址时会设置为替换地址。可重新修改或删除地址信息。 首页推荐功能 首页推荐闲置物品并展示,优先显示最新发布的闲置,并可按分类显示。 搜索闲置物品功能 全文模糊搜索,可根据闲置物品的标题和详细说明进行模糊搜索。 发布闲置功能 发布闲置功能,填写完整闲置的信息即可发布,未登录用户无法发布闲置。 查看闲置详情功能 可以查看闲置的详细介绍说明和图集,并能看到发布者的信息,可以下单购买或收藏。如果是自己发布的闲置,可以进行下架操作或重新上架。 留言功能 可以在闲置详情页面发送留言,也可以在消息页面看到别人给自己的留言或回复。 下单功能 可以购买闲置进行模拟支付,下单前或自动
2021-10-26 16:35:41 2.36MB Java
2021-10-23 03:30:15 1.54MB SAS
Designing Embedded Hardware steers a course between those books dedicated to writing code for particular microprocessors, and those that stress the philosophy of embedded system design without providing any practical information. Loaded with real examples, this book also provides a roadmap to the pitfalls and traps to avoid. If you want to build your own embedded system, or tweak an existing one, this invaluable book gives you the understanding and practical skills you need.
Artificial Intelligence for Games, Second Edition
2021-10-19 10:14:04 4.09MB Artificial Intelligence Game
This is a book for people interested in solving optimization problems. Because of the wide (and growing) use of optimization in science, engineering, economics, and industry, it is essential for students and practitioners alike to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these algorithms leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications, and points the way to future research on improving and extending optimization algorithms and software. Our goal in this book is to give a comprehensive description of the most powerful, state-of-the-art, techniques for solving continuous optimization problems. By presenting the motivating ideas for each algorithm, we try to stimulate the reader’s intuition and make the technical details easier to follow. Formal mathematical requirements are kept to a minimum.
2021-10-16 20:47:04 4.2MB Wright Numerical Optimization
2021-10-11 22:41:28 9.55MB 计算机视觉
Essentials of Computer Architecture, Second Edition by Douglas Comer 2017 | ISBN: 1138626597 | English | 535 pages | True PDF | 4 MB This easy to read textbook provides an introduction to computer architecture, while focusing on the essential aspects of hardware that programmers need to know. The topics are explained from a programmer’s point of view, and the text emphasizes consequences for programmers. Divided in five parts, the book covers the basics of digital logic, gates, and data paths, as well as the three primary aspects of architecture: processors, memories, and I/O systems. The book also covers advanced topics of parallelism, pipelining, power and energy, and performance. A hands-on lab is also included. The second edition contains three new chapters as well as changes and updates throughout.
2021-10-11 15:18:40 3.69MB Computer Architecture