【作者】: Ezio Biglieri Robert Calderbank, Anthony Constantinides, Andrea Goldsmith,
Arogyaswami Paulraj and H. Vincent Poor
【ISBN 】: 978-0-521-87328-4
【页数 】:339
【开本 】 :16
【出版社】 :Cambridge University Press
1 Introduction 1
1.1 MIMO wireless communication 1
1.2 MIMO channel and signal model 4
1.3 A fundamental trade-off 8
1.4 MIMO transceiver design 11
1.5 MIMO in wireless networks 15
1.6 MIMO in wireless standards 18
1.7 Organization of the book and future challenges 19
1.8 Bibliographical notes 20
References 20
2 Capacity limits of MIMO systems 24
2.1 Introduction 24
2.2 Mutual information and Shannon capacity 25
2.3 Single-user MIMO 29
2.4 Multi-user MIMO 49
2.5 Multi-cell MIMO 66
2.6 MIMO for ad hoc networks 69
2.7 Summary 75
2.8 Bibliographical notes 77
References 77
3 Precoding design 88
3.1 Transmit channel side information 89
3.2 Information-theoretic foundation for exploiting CSIT 95
3.3 A transmitter structure 100
3.4 Precoding design criteria 103
3.5 Linear precoder designs 109
3.6 Precoder performance results and discussion 122
3.7 Applications in practical systems 127
3.8 Conclusion 132
3.9 Bibliographical notes 133
Appendix 3.1 133
References 135
4 Space–time coding for wireless communications: principles and
applications 140
4.1 Introduction 140
4.2 Background 141
4.3 Space–time coding principles 149
4.4 Applications 161
4.5 Discussion and future challenges 174
4.6 Bibliographical notes 176
Appendix 4.1 Algebraic structure: quadratic forms 177
References 180
5 Fundamentals of receiver design 186
5.1 Introduction 186
5.2 Reception of uncoded signals 186
5.3 Factor graphs and iterative processing 190
5.4 MIMO receivers for uncoded signals 202
5.5 MIMO receivers for coded signals 206
5.6 Some iterative receivers 223
5.7 Bibliographical notes 226
References 227
6 Multi-user receiver design 230
6.1 Introduction 230
6.2 Multiple-access MIMO systems 231
6.3 Iterative space–time multi-user detection 245
6.4 Multi-user detection in space–time coded systems 256
6.5 Adaptive linear space–time multi-user detection 271
6.6 Summary 288
6.7 Bibliographical notes 289
References 289
Bibliography 293
Index 315