SUIMONO Water System是Unity互动式水系统,专门为我们提供了先进且深度可定制的海洋和水分效应,需要Unity 5.0.0或更高版本。 现实的水渲染 – Suimono 2.0为我们的Unity项目带来先进而现实的水和海洋渲染 高级FX – 具有镶嵌(dx11),泡沫渲染,动态反射,折射和屏幕转换 场景交互 – 设置任何游戏对象,用于交互式效果,如飞溅,折射波纹,声音和高级浮力效果 水下FX – 自动水下渲染,包括深度雾化,高级焦散,模糊和屏幕折射 定制 – 可以控制水景观和行为的各个方面 SUIMONO Water System v2.1.6更新日志: 2.1.6 (当前)已发布 2018年8月16日 WHAT’S NEW: – Added ‘Clear Mode’ option to camera tools. Allows override of clear flag inheritance on reflection camera. CHANGES: – Raised default Buoyancy activation range to 5000. – Added Mesh Collider to farplane surface prefab. Helps prevent Buoyancy detection fail. – Underwater camera component is no longer added if underwater rendering is turned off on module. BUG FIXES: – Fixed shader errors under PS4 that were preventing build completion (Lerp/Dot ambiguity). – Fixed Depthmask2 shader over-bright error. – Fixed object editor issue when expanding tabs. – Fixed bug where editor was showing wrong skin color (dark/pro skin vs light skin). – Reflection Color setting now affects underwater reflection as well. – Adjusted Caustic lighting code so it doesn’t reduce to 0 intensity. – Removed buoyancy frustum occlusion code causing strange buoyancy errors. – Fixed screen uv edge smearing underwater and with water droplet effects. – Fixed Underwater surface flickering error. – Fixed underwater transparency over-bright error. – Fixed Reflection over-bright error. – Darkened underwater fog color matching.
2021-05-14 18:13:04 60.05MB Unity 模拟 海洋
2021-05-11 16:03:22 37.31MB lsdyna
本标准涵盖了家用和商用的电动水处理设备。 这些设备旨在根据国家电气法规NFPA 70进行安装和使用,额定电压为600 V或更低。 本标准涵盖使用通过使用阳离子交换水软化剂,电离,过滤器,紫外线辐射,臭氧产生和反渗透来处理水的功能的设备。
2021-05-11 09:02:26 49.63MB ul 979 水处理 设备
2021-05-09 22:03:42 218KB water 水材质
Case Study of smart water SUEZ NWS WO(1).pptx
2021-05-09 12:02:14 2.64MB 苏伊士水处理
通过SRCNN进行水下图像增强 一种水下图像增强方法和相应的图像超分辨率算法。 使用的算法: 图像增强技术。 超分辨率卷积神经网络 Retinex算法伽玛校正。 黑暗先验。 进一步阅读:使用SRCNN.pptx进行水下图像增强 SRCNN训练模型:my_modelSRCNN.h5 用于实施的参考文件:Underwater2.pdf
2021-05-07 15:18:02 23.34MB JupyterNotebook
4.3.4或更高要求的统一。 简单的水是用于桌面水元素的一组高度可定制的着色器,手机和游戏机。 它包含了: 超过30的水着色器不同特征的像: -新的!在水下的效果(水吸+焦散线) 反射(纹理/立方贴图) 可调的不透明度/菲涅耳混浊 失真地图槽 -镜面调整 可调光 可调反射强度 彩色输入 水纹理 -凹凸贴图槽
2021-05-06 16:20:00 15.58MB unity3d Easy Water
1 osg shader 水
2021-05-06 16:11:22 26.18MB osg shader water
This edited volume includes thoroughly collected on sensing and control for autonomous vehicles. Guidance, navigation and motion control systems for autonomous vehicles are increasingly important in land-based, marine and aerial operations. Autonomous underwater vehicles may be used for pipeline inspection, light intervention work, underwater survey and collection of oceanographic/biological data. Autonomous unmanned aerial systems can be used in a large number of applications such as inspection, monitoring, data collection, surveillance, etc. At present, vehicles operate with limited autonomy and a minimum of intelligence. There is a growing interest for cooperative and coordinated multi-vehicle systems, real-time re-planning, robust autonomous navigation systems and robust autonomous control of vehicles. Unmanned vehicles with high levels of autonomy may be used for safe and efficient collection of environmental data, for assimilation of climate and environmental models and to complement global satellite systems. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of control theory, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
2021-04-30 21:22:34 24.09MB 自动驾驶
“水突围”是我们图形实习(Grafikpraktikum或GraPra)小组的成果,并且是在4周内创建的。 这是一款经典的Breakoutgame,位于沙漠中一个美丽的绿洲中。 您的目标是将球保留在游戏中,直到它被击中摧毁了所有方块。 有5种不同等级的不同种类的方块,还有一些特殊的方块(如炸弹)。 该游戏使用OpenGL,并具有一些高级着色器效果(例如Water)。 在Blender中创建并导出为Wavefront-Obj格式的模型。 这只是一个很小的Studentproject,所以没有声音,也没有Highscorelist。 也许我们会继续开发这款游戏,并在将来推出增强版。
2021-04-29 13:04:41 48.3MB 开源软件