instantclient-basic是一款轻量级的数据库客户端,解压即用, 该客户端主要用于Oracle数据库的配置、开发和测试等操作, 从事数据库开发的朋友不要错过。
2023-01-04 15:28:01 47.79MB 系统安装
2023-01-04 14:00:49 937KB 安全
2023-01-04 11:27:19 48.93MB 系统安装
一个可视化界面操作BoltDB的客户端工具。 可查询、创建、删除bucket; 可新增key-value、修改value、删除key-value。 使用方法: 1、下载程序并解压 2、将db文件放至根目录的 【ext】 文件夹中,并重命名为 【my.db】 3、双击根目录下的 【BoltDB Tool.exe】 启动程序 4、程序会递归加载db文件中的所有bucket,并显示至【bucket】下拉框中 5、bucket的父子关系使用 【->】 表示 6、点击【查询】按钮可查询当前选中的bucket中的key-value 7、双击 value 栏位可修改 value 的内容 8、其它操作通过相应按钮操作 9、此程序使用【】作为api 10、此程序为作者自己设计、编码,如有任何问题可留言联系 11、此程序有相应的32位程序及安装程序,但是这里没有上传,如有需要可留言联系
2023-01-02 16:16:48 78.1MB bolt 数据库 客户端 工具
2023-01-01 16:43:41 327KB MT4/5 MT4 server client
2022-12-29 16:23:36 229.45MB VMware-Horizon-C
2022-12-28 21:20:53 6.98MB SVN
Bitvise SSH Server is used to accept connections from SSH clients. The server is intended to run for a prolonged period of time, and will provide SSH clients that connect with access configured by the server administrator. The SSH server might be configured to provide access to a terminal console, port forwarding, and/or file transfer to and from the server using SFTP and SCP. Bitvise SSH Client is used to initiate connections to SSH servers. It is usually used interactively, so it will only run when a user runs it, but it can also be launched unattended to run scripted commands or file transfers, or to maintain an SSH connection for port forwarding. The SSH client is used to access a terminal console on an SSH server, to initiate port forwarding, or to initiate file transfers to and from SSH servers using SFTP. Both products are connectivity products. They cannot be used standalone. For an SSH server to be useful, you need clients that will connect to it. For an SSH client to be useful, you need an SSH server to connect to. The two products can be installed on the same machine, but it makes no sense to connect an SSH client to an SSH server running on the same machine. The purpose of SSH is to securely connect computers across the network; using SSH to connect to a server on the same machine provides no benefit.
2022-12-28 20:16:16 10.33MB SSH
server,client 通过aild 通信, 内容提供者案例,博客地址:
2022-12-27 09:22:16 17.97MB Androidaidl
vSphere-Web-Client-SDK6.7版本压缩包第一部分,共2部分(分割是为了满足平台只能上传220MB文件的要求)。 第二部分:
2022-12-26 11:17:12 220MB vSphere-Web-Clie SDK6.7 vSphere vSphere-Web-Clie