Practical Reverse Engineering 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-11-21 04:21:06 4MB Practical Reverse Engineering
2021-11-17 15:25:13 13.3MB Practical Python and OpenCV
If you’re familiar with JIRA for issue tracking, bug tracking, and other uses, you know it can sometimes be tricky to set up and manage. In this concise book, software toolsmith Matt Doar clarifies some of the more confusing aspects by answering difficult and frequently asked questions about JIRA administration. Practical JIRA Administration shows you how JIRA is intended to be used, making it an ideal supplement to the extensive documentation already available. The book’s chapters are loosely connected, so you can go straight to the information that best serves your needs. Understand the difference between JIRA groups and JIRA project roles Discover what JIRA schemes do, and learn how to maintain them Use a consistent configuration approach to help you use JIRA as a platform Create a workflow from scratch Add, modify, and deactivate users Prepare for a JIRA upgrade, and troubleshoot if necessary Get remote access to JIRA via email, SQL, REST, and other methods
2021-11-16 17:40:54 6.05MB JIRA实战管理(Practical JIRA Administration)
MATLAB is a very powerful software package that has many built-in tools for solving problems and developing graphical illustrations. 高清彩色版 非常适合入门
2021-11-10 16:07:44 20.28MB matlab
SSD1【Unit2】答案【Exercise4-7,Practical Quiz 4-7】
2021-11-09 18:55:33 22KB 答案
我的解答 博文链接:
2021-11-08 09:32:18 12KB 源码 工具
StyleGAN2培训的实践方面 整个项目(包括所有勘探)消耗了132 MWh的电力,其中0.68 MWh用于培训最终的FFHQ模型。 总共,我们使用了大约51年的单GPU年。 — Karras等 免责声明:我和该回购都与NVidia没有任何关联。 我尽我最大的努力进行了DYOR,但是,我可能会完全错误地表达以下内容。 TL; DR 注意:这项工作的继续记录在该文章的后续文章。 我已经从零开始训练了1024像素分辨率的女性肖像数据集的StyleGAN2。 通过调整参数并使用放大的图像扩大数据集,可以进一步提高样品质量,从而使网络可以了解更多细节并获得与原始工作结果相当的FID指标。 策展样本Ψ= 0.70 目录 3.1。 3.2。 4.1。 5.1。 5.2。 背景 与原始的StyleGAN (“ SG1”)相比,Karas等人的StyleGAN2 (“ SG2”)有了很大
2021-11-04 18:58:16 5.8MB
MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, winner of TAA’s 2017 Textbook Excellence Award (“Texty”), guides the reader through both programming and built-in functions to easily exploit MATLAB’s extensive capabilities for tackling engineering and scientific problems. Assuming no knowledge of programming, this book starts with programming concepts, such as variables, assignments, and selection statements, moves on to loops, and then solves problems using both the programming concept and the power of MATLAB.
2021-11-04 18:03:05 13.47MB matlab
- This Zip contains Practical Python and OpenCV + Case Studies by Adrian Rosebrock - 3rd Edition bundle with the Supplementary Code. - 有PDF 和 Mobi格式 高清格式 - 有代码 亲测
2021-11-04 17:22:24 177.77MB Python OpenCV pdf mobi
Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN. Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies. If you’re looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you. What You’ll Learn Prepare and set up Contiki-NG development Review the basics of the Contiki-NG platform to build Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Develop your own Contiki-NG program Perform sensing and actuating on the Contiki-NG platform Implement a middleware for Contiki-NG motes Build a simple IoT program using the Contiki-NG environment Who This Book Is For Developers, students, researchers and anyone who has an interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
2021-11-04 10:59:05 11.32MB Contiki-NG 物联网 传感器