格米 GraMi 是一种在单个大图中进行频繁子图挖掘的新框架,GraMi 比现有技术高出两个数量级。 GraMi 支持查找频繁子图和频繁模式,与子图相比,模式提供了更强大的匹配版本,可以捕获图节点(如朋友的朋友)之间的传递交互,这​​在现代应用程序中非常常见。 此外,GraMi 支持对结果以及近似结果的用户定义结构和语义约束。 有关更多详细信息,请查看我们的论文:Mohammed Elseidy、Ehab Abdelhamid、Spiros Skiadopoulos 和 Panos Kalnis。 “ GRAMI:单个大图中的频繁子图和模式挖掘。PVLDB,7(7):517-528,2014年。” 内容: README ................... This file LICENSE.txt .............. License file (Open Sourc
Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell, authors with thirty years of experience teaching college writing, know what works in the classroom and have a knack for picking just the right readings. In Patterns for College Writing, they provide students with exemplary rhetorical models and instructors with class-tested selections that balance classic and contemporary essays. Along with more examples of studentwriting than any other reader, Patterns has the most comprehensive coverage of active reading, research, and the writing process, with a five-chapter mini-rhetoric; the clearest explanations of the patterns of development; the most thorough apparatus of any rhetorical reader; and the most comprehensive coverage of argumentative writing—all reasons why Patterns for College Writing is the best-selling reader in the country. And the new edition includes exciting new readings, images, and debate and casebook topics. Patterns is now available as a Bedford e-Book to Go and in a variety of formats that can be downloaded to a computer, tablet, or e-reader. And now with the new edition, you can meet students where they are: online. Our newest set of online materials, LaunchPad Solo, provides all the key tools and course-specific content that you need to teach your class. Get all our great course-specific materials in one fully customizable space online; then assign and mix our resources with yours. To package LaunchPad Solo free with Patterns for College Writing, use ISBN 978-1-319-01312-7. ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
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本书是一部非常实用的CSS 与HTML(XHTML)解决方案手册。书中包含了350 多种可以立即使用的设计模式(涉及文本、背景、边框、图片、表格、布局等多方面),并介绍了每种模式的原理和使用。每种设计模式、示例和源代码都经过了精心设计,易于实现和使用。通过阅读此书,可大大提高读者在Web 设计和开发中的效率和创造力。 本书结构清晰,示例丰富,实践性强,适用于所有Web 开发和设计人员。
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游戏开发一直是热门的领域,掌握良好的游戏编程模式是开发人员的应备技能。本书细致地讲解了游戏开发需要用到的各种编程模式,并提供了丰富的示例。 全书共分20章,通过三大部分内容全面介绍了与游戏编程模式相关的各类知识点。首部分介绍了基础知识和框架;第二部分深入探索设计模式,并介绍了模式与游戏开发之间的关联;第三部分介绍了13种有效的游戏设计模式。 本书提供了丰富的代码示例,通过理论和代码示例相结合的方式帮助读者更好地学习。无论是游戏领域的设计人员、开发人员,还是想要进入游戏开发领域的学生和普通程序员,都可以阅读本书。
2021-08-27 11:00:24 11.16MB 游戏开发 编程模式 游戏引擎 设计模式