Zeek分析工具(ZAT) ZAT Python软件包支持使用Pandas,scikit-learn和Spark处理和分析Zeek数据 安装 $ pip install zat 入门 在Raspberry Pi上安装! 最近的改进 大日志文件的更快/更小熊猫的数据帧: 更好的熊猫数据框到矩阵(ndarray)支持:数据 从Zeek日志到Parquet的可扩展转换: 大大改进了Spark Dataframe类:从 更新/改进的笔记本: 影片介绍 为什么要ZAT? Zeek已经拥有灵活,强大的脚本语言,为什么我应该使用ZAT? 卸载:应该从Zeek卸载运行诸如统计,状态机,机器学习等复杂任务,以便Zeek可以专注于高效处理大量网络流量。 数据分析:我们有大量的支持类,可以帮助从原始Zeek数据过渡到Pandas,scikit-learn和Spark等软件包。 我们还提供了一些示例笔记本,这些笔记本逐步显示了如何从这里到达那里。 分析笔记本 文献资料 关于SuperCowPowers 该公司的成立是为了让其开发人员能够跟随他们对Python的热情,流数据管道并享受数据分析的乐
2021-09-02 11:35:08 3.72MB python security spark networking
DELL S4128T交换机特性
2021-08-30 09:00:20 297KB DELLSWITCH
本书为英文原版教材,本书延续了Forouzan一贯的风格,以通俗易懂的方式全面阐述了网络技术及其应用。本书自第1版引进国内以来,对网络课程教学产生了较大影响,被多所名校采用为教材,成为清华大学和中科院博士入学考试网络课程的主要参考书。   本书以因特网五层模型为框架,以形象直观的描述手法,详细地介绍了数据通信和网络领域的基础知识、基本概念、基本原理和实践方法,堪称数据通信和网络方面的经典著作。   本书适合作为计算机专业有关数据通信和网络课程的本科生或研究生的教材或教学参考书,也可作为相关的研究人员和技术人员的参考书。 本书特点:   ● 作者教学经验丰富,书中反映实际应用、工作实例和众多新近的实践问题。   ● 图表众多,并且尽量少地使用数学公式。复杂的概念通过形象直观的图解加以清晰的说明。">本书延续了Forouzan一贯的风格,以通俗易懂的方式全面阐述了网络技术及其应用。本书自第1版引进国内以来,对网络课程教学产生了较大影响,被多所名校采用为教材,成为清华大学和中科院博士入学考试网络课程的主要参考书">本书为英文原版教材,本书延续了Forouzan一贯的风格,以通俗易懂的方式全面阐述了网络技术及其应用。本书自第1版引进国内以来,对网络课程教学产生了较大影响,被多所名校采用为教材,成为清华大学和中科院博士入学考试 [更多]
2021-08-28 20:08:19 36.7MB pdf 教材 networking
计算机网络 Computer Networking and the Internet Fred Halsall
2021-08-21 08:43:21 12.28MB 计算机网络 因特网
基于ESP32的对讲机,使用UDP广播或ESP-NOW概述我们已经使用ESP32制作了对讲机。 解释性视频音频数据通过UDP广播或ESP-NOW传输。 因此,对讲机甚至可以在没有WiFi网络的情况下工作! 我使用的是我自己的麦克风板(可在Tindie上找到:https://www.tindie.com/products/21519/),但是该代码可以与任何I2S麦克风(例如INMP441)同样良好地工作,您可以轻松对其进行修改将内置ADC用于模拟麦克风。 对于输出,我使用的是I2S放大器分接器
2021-08-19 15:37:40 27KB C/C++ Networking and Internet
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition By 作者: Keith Ross (author) James Kurose (author) ISBN-10 书号: 1292153598 ISBN-13 书号: 9781292153599 Edition 版本: 7th Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2016-11-21 Format: 855 For courses in Networking/Communications Motivates readers with a top-down, layered approach to computer networking Unique among computer networking texts, the Seventh Edition of the popular Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach builds on the author’s long tradition of teaching this complex subject through a layered approach in a “top-down manner.” The text works its way from the application layer down toward the physical layer, motivating readers by exposing them to important concepts early in their study of networking. Focusing on the Internet and the fundamentally important issues of networking, this text provides an excellent foundation for readers interested in computer science and electrical engineering, without requiring extensive knowledge of programming or mathematics. The Seventh Edition has been updated to reflect the most important and exciting recent advances in networking. pre._ch1 Ch1:Computer Networks and the Internet Ch2:Application Layer Ch3:Transport Layer Ch4:The Network Layer:Data Plane Ch5:The Network Layer:Control Plane Ch6:The Link Layer and LANs Ch7:Wireless and Mobile Networks Ch8:Security in Computer Networks Ch9:Multimedia Networking References Index endCover
2021-08-05 22:10:21 130.7MB Network
This book is written for researchers, professionals, and computer science and engineering students at the advanced undergraduate level and higher who are familiar with networking and network protocol concepts and basic ideas about algorithms. For the more advanced parts of the book, the reader should have general familiarity with Internet protocols such as TCP and IP routing. For some sections of the book such as discussions of mobility or multicasting, familiarity with mobility in IP and IP multicasting will be helpful but is not required. The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive reference for the most current developments in the field. It offers broad coverage P2P networking with fifty chapters written by international experts. In addition, we hope the book becomes an important reference to those who are active in the field.
2021-07-27 15:16:48 12.33MB Peer-to-Peer Networking
Head First Networking 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-07-26 12:37:03 31.93MB Head First Networking