自从微软宣布停止开发Visual FoxPro之后,此类图书的出版也成了难题,但是至今仍有许多VFP的坚守者,到处搜罗这本8年前的图书。特此奉上写作原稿,看起来会比淘宝上的扫描版本会舒服很多。我的博客:
2021-09-11 15:26:36 31.32MB 张洪举 VFP Visual FoxPro
学生成绩管理系统 vfp 学生信息管理系统
2021-09-11 15:05:43 9.38MB visual foxpro
Visual Fox6.0为平台,围绕系统应用开发,以学校和公司/企业的信息管理为切入点,涵盖多个领域的信息管理,具体包括学生信息管理系统、图书信息管理系统、考勤管理系统、货物管理系统、企业订单管理系统和客户信息管理系统。 本书内容深入浅出,循序渐进,适合大中专院校的学生和软件开发人员参考使用。
2021-09-11 14:58:24 8.29MB Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro 9.0,可做收藏、学习、研究。Visual FoxPro 9.0是一款用于开发数据管理与运算等方面的编程软件,提供了功能完备的工具、极其友好的用户界面、简单的数据存取方式、独一无二的跨平台技术,具有良好的兼容性、真正的可编译性和较强的安全性,是目前最快捷、最实用的数据库管理系统软件之一。
2021-09-06 17:19:56 306.19MB Visual FoxPro 9.0
Visual Foxpro v5.0.RAR VFP是Microsoft公司推出的最新可视化数据库管理系统平台,是功能特别强大的32位数据库管理系统
2021-08-20 03:50:44 28.21MB Visual Foxpro 数据库
Visual FoxPro程序设计实验教程
2021-08-15 01:37:17 18.57MB #资源分享达人#
Codebook 是 VFP 的首要面向对象框架。 它支持 n 层设计,并处理应用程序的所有常见方面,例如验证、窗口管理、菜单管理、错误处理和冲突解决。
2021-08-06 16:03:59 2.45MB 开源软件
为朋友用VFP 编写的图书管理系统,功能:新增,修改和删除图书信息,并可以直接用打开路径(ebook)文件。
2021-06-08 22:20:44 196KB VFP管理系统
vfp 背后的秘密,经典。 Who Needs This Book? We love Visual FoxPro. We'd rather use it to develop applications than any other product we've ever worked with. But (isn't there always a "but"?) Visual FoxPro isn't perfect. Some parts of the language don't work as they should. Others do what they're supposed to, but we can't imagine why anyone thinks you'd want to do that. And some pieces do exactly what they're supposed to and it's a good thing to do, but it's hard as heck to understand. We should add that the Visual FoxPro documentation is good—in fact, it gets better with each new version—but there are still too many places where it's incorrect, incomplete, or sometimes a bit incomprehensible. Enter this book. This is the book for the times when you've done just as the manual shows, but it still doesn't work and you're running out of hair to pull out. It's for those days when you think you've found a command that does what you need, but you can't make any sense of what Help has to say about it. We'll tell you how it really works or why you shouldn't do it the way the manual shows—or tell you that it doesn't work at all, and show you how to do it another way.
2021-06-01 16:44:07 4.21MB FoxPro vfp