2022-08-08 17:00:43 15.35MB pci pci-e 官方 6.0
PCI_Express_M.2_Specification 最新版本规格书V1.1。 PCI SIG官方网站权威发布文件。 基于V1.0变更如下内容: Incorporated the following ECNs:  Transition of NFC Signals from 3.3V to 1.8V ECN  M.2 COEX Signal Definition – UART ECN  M.2 2242 WWAN Module ECN  M.2 Signal Definition – Audio & ANTCTL Functions ECN  Tx Blanking and SYSCLK on Socket 1 Related Pinouts ECN  Power-up Requirements for PCIe Side Bands (PERST#, etc.) ECN  Power-up Requirements for PCIe Side Bands in a VBAT Powered System ECN  MiniEx_M2_ECN_SMBus_for_SSD_Socket2_Socket3 - 1112_14  WWAN_Key_C_Definition_ECN_WW12.3  SMBus ECN, Clarification  BGA-SSD ECN  M.2 SSIC Eye Limits Definitions Other changes:  Incorporated all changes from M2_10 Errata Table and Backup of M 2 Rev1 0 Errata Table 04292015-6.8Added section 6.8, High Speed Differential Pair AC Coupling Cap Values and Cap Location Examples  Changed all Mid-Line and Mid-plane to Mid-mount per WG decision。 The M.2 family comprised of several module sizes and designated by the following names (see Figure 2):  Type 1216  Type 1620  Type 1630  Type 2024  Type 2226  Type 2228  Type 2230  Type 2242  Type 2260  Type 2280  Type 2828  Type 3026  Type 3030  Type 3042  Type 22110
2022-08-02 17:23:32 7.81MB M.2 Spec M.2定义 ngff定义
2022-07-28 18:01:12 14.8MB pci-e
为什么学习和使用Vue 1,发展趋势 最近几年的前线,因为从MVC到MVVM的舞台通常都很辉煌,所以您只是唱歌。 骨干,AngularJS已经成为昨天的黄色,reactjs蓬勃发展,而另一个更轻量级的vue开发势头更加猛烈,既知道angularjs和reactjs的优势。 2,Vue能做什么 移动互联网的需求已经远远高于PC端,尤其是混合H5应用,但是性能问题一直是痛点。 如果使用SPA(通常称为“单页Web应用程序”),则SPA仅在初始化网页时才将所有活动限制为网页,并加载相应HTML,JavaScript和CSS。 页面加载后,SPA将不会重新加载或跳转页面以供用户操作。 没有页面切换
2022-07-25 23:08:58 2.24MB mysql nginx express webpack
PCI.Express.System.Architecture 高清英文版本
2022-07-21 22:57:59 28.26MB pcie system architecture pdf
我以“浅谈”开始以下的文字,因为 PCIe 规范博大足使天下无书。正如大家所知,我之前写过一本《PCI Experss 体系结构导读》,每次重温这本书籍时,总是遗憾着书中出现的错误。纸质的图书一旦出现问题,便很难有更改的余地。这一次我们不会再有这些遗憾。
2022-07-21 17:40:41 7.74MB PCIExpress系统体系
PCIe高速总线传输技术 PCI Express Technology MindShare books are critical in the understanding of complex technical topics, such as PCI Express 3.0 architecture. Many of our customers and industry partners depend on these books for the success of their proj e cts”
2022-07-21 16:01:09 39.86MB PCIeExpress
2022-07-08 20:00:34 9.67MB pci-e
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2022-07-07 18:04:38 929KB 文档资料