2022-11-12 10:42:12 53.62MB 数据库 database termux mysql
2022-11-11 11:31:41 73.37MB 心律失常数据集 mit-bih-arrhythm
) tableor database name"问题出现位置 explain_filename (THD*thd, c
2022-11-10 18:51:12 48KB Invalid table
MySQL数据库电子商务网站表的实现(含有以下表) 1、商品分类表 2、商品表 3、商品规格表(商品SPU表、商品规格表、商品规格项表、商品规格组合表) 4、商品属性表 5、商品属性值表 6、商品筛选表 7、商品筛选值表 8、用户表 8、评论表 9、购物车表 10、收货地址表 11、订单 12、订单商品表 13、商品评分表
2022-11-10 00:01:57 13KB mysql 数据库 分类 database
Oracle Database Installation Oracle19c RAC ON CentOS7.3 的整个安装过程
2022-11-08 16:03:20 4.31MB ORACLE 19C Oracle Database
一、下载地址: Client: Database:可以在Oracle 官网下载Oracle 11g r2数据库: 下载完成后如图 二、进行安装 (一)首先安装Client: 1.下载完之后解压
2022-11-08 10:25:14 1.78MB ab acl AS
mysql java JDBC 导入资源包mysql-connector-java-5.1.48
2022-11-07 20:39:02 937KB mysql java 数据库 database
This article provides an overview of recent developments in mainmemory database systems. With growing memory sizes and memory prices dropping by a factor of 10 every 5 years, data having a “primary home” in memory is now a reality. Main-memory databases eschew many of the traditional architectural pillars of relational database systems that optimized for disk-resident data. The result of these memory-optimized designs are systems that feature several innovative approaches to fundamental issues (e.g., concurrency control, query processing) that achieve orders of magnitude performance improvements over traditional designs. Our survey covers five main issues and architectural choices that need to be made when building a high performance main-memory optimized database: data organization and storage, indexing, concurrency control, durability and recovery techniques, and query processing and compilation. We focus our survey on four commercial and research systems: H-Store/VoltDB, Hekaton, HyPer, and SAP HANA. These systems are diverse in their design choices and form a representative sample of the state of the art in main-memory database systems. We also cover other commercial and academic systems, along with current and future research trends.
2022-11-04 17:58:33 3.03MB c++ memory
Database Systems Design, Implementation & Management, 13th-Carlos Coronel(2018).pdf
2022-11-03 16:03:32 52.29MB database
2022-11-02 16:14:17 15.33MB 数据集