HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems focuses on the technical advances and developments that have taken place in the past ten years or so in the fields of High Voltage DC transmission and Flexible AC transmission systems. These advances (in HVDC transmission and FACTS) have added a new dimension to power transmission capabilities. The book covers a wide variety of topics, some of which are listed below: -Current Source and Voltage Source Converters, -Synchronization Techniques for Power Converters, -Capacitor Commutated Converters, -Active Filters, -Typical Disturbances on HVDC Systems, -Simulation Techniques, -Static Var Compensators based on Chain Link Converters, -Advanced Controllers, -Trends in Modern HVDC. In addition to EHV transmission, HVDC technology has impacted on a number of other areas as well. As an example, a chapter dealing with HVDC Light applications is included providing recent information on both on-shore and off-shore applications of wind farms. HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems is meant for senior undergraduate, graduate students and professional power systems engineers. Mathematical treatment of the subject has been kept to a minimum and emphasis has been placed on principles and practical applications. Applications from major manufacturers are included to provide useable information for the practicing power systems engineer.
2022-05-01 20:51:55 15.64MB HVDC FACTS
GPS蓝宝书:Global Positioning System:Theory and Applications(Volume I) Part I. GPS Fundamentals 部分目录: Chapter 1. Introduction and Heritage of NAVSTAR, the Global Positioning System ..................................................................................... 3 Bradford W. Parkinson, Stanford University, Stanford, California Background and History ............................................................................................... 3 Predecessors . ...... ... ..................... ........ ...... ................................................................. 4 Joint Program Office Fonned, 1973 ............... ......... ........................................... ...... 6 Introductory GPS System Description and Technical Design ..................................... 10 Principals of System Operation . ................. ........... ......... ..................... ...... ............... 10 GPS Ranging Signal....................... .............. ..... ............. ................ ......... ................. 11 Satellite Orbital Configuration .................................................................................. 13 Satellite Design ......................................................................................................... 14 Satellite Autonomy: Atomic Clocks .............................. ........................................... 14 Ionospheric Errors and Corrections ......... ................ ............. .............. ........ ...... ........ 16 Expected Navigation Performance ........................................................................... 16 High Accuracy/Carrier Tracking .............................................................................. 18 History of Satellites .. ....................... ............... ........... ......... ...... .............. ............ .......... 19 Navigation Technology Satellites ....... ............ .................. ........................................ 19 Navigation Development Satellites-Block I .......................................................... 19 Operational Satellites-Block II and IIA .... .................... ..................... ......... ..... ...... 19 Replacement Operational Satellites-Block IIR ...................................................... 20 Launches ........................................................................................................................ 20 Launch Vehicles ..... ....... ................ .............. ......... ............ ......................................... 20 Initial Testing ................................................................ ................................................ 22 Test Results ......................................................... ...................................................... 22 Conclusions ........ .................................................................................... ................... 24 Applications .................................................... .......... ....... ................ .............................. 24 Military ............... ........................ ..... .... .......... ....... .............. .......................... ............. 24 Dual Use: The Civil Problem ................................................................................... 24 Pioneers of the GPS .. ............ .......................... ............ ......... ............................ ............. 26 Defense Development, Research, and Engineering-Malcolm Currie and David Packard . ................................ ................. ............. ............. ..................... ...... 26 Commander of SAMSO, General Ken Schultz ........................................ ............... 26 Contractors ........................................................................................... ..................... 26 Joint Program Office Development Team ..... .................... .................... ...... ...... ....... 27 Predecessors .................... ................... ........... ............... .... ................ ...... .............. ..... 27
2022-04-30 13:29:37 33.82MB GPS; 蓝宝书
Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications 是经典的GPS蓝皮书,不论是初学者还是行业相关人员,都可以从它那里得到有益的帮助,分享给大家学习
2022-04-30 13:26:45 24.2MB GPS蓝皮书
About the Author David C. Lay holds a B.A. from Aurora University (Illinois), and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles. David Lay has been an educator and research mathematician since 1966, mostly at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has also served as a visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam, the Free University in Amsterdam, and the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. He has published more than 30 research articles on functional analysis and linear algebra. As a founding member of the NSF-sponsored Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group.
2022-04-26 13:17:08 28.98MB Linear David Lay
2022-04-21 13:55:56 17.3MB OLED
2022-04-16 23:13:37 2.65MB 马尔科夫 理论 应用
Finite markov chains and algorithmic applications   2002, 114pp.   softcover gbp 14.95   isbn 0-521-89001-2   cambridge   本书是作者在瑞典chalmers技术大学讲课的基础上形成的一本数学教材,主题是markov链的基本理论及其在随机算法中的应用。
2022-04-16 23:11:02 99KB 马尔科夫链 算法
Fluid Mechanics and the SPH Method Theory and Applications (Violeau D.) 编写,英文版教材,精编pdf格式(可复制粘贴的非图片) 大家帮帮下载一点,我赚点积分下载我自己想要的书哈哈
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Linear Algebra with Applications by Leon Steven
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Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications, 9Th Edition -
2022-04-13 17:06:03 19.7MB Elementary Linear Algebra