2021-04-06 21:19:10 44.76MB Linux 编程 实践 光盘
2021-04-06 20:43:40 23.16MB Unix Linux
Uninx 的起源,1969 年, 由 KenThompson 在 AT&T 贝尔实验室实现的。 使用的是用汇编语言。
2021-03-18 19:00:59 170KB unix linux
2021-03-04 15:01:18 553KB unix linux 命令
Xftp is a powerful SFTP and FTP file transfer program operating on the Windows platform.
2021-03-02 12:01:08 44.14MB UNIX/LINUX
2021-02-25 10:56:09 44.71MB Unix实践 教程 答案 源代码
APUE第三版 里边有源码方便调试,PDF带书签的方便阅览
2021-02-21 10:39:52 6.94MB apue unix linux
本书作者HarleyHahn从20世纪80年代开始,亲身体验了几平整个UDIX以及Linux操作系统的发展历史。他所著的Unix和Linux教程,秉承了他的一贯风格,幽默风趣而又知识渊博。在本书中,不仅可以全面学习到Unix和Linux操作系统的工作原理和主要命令,还可以知晓Unix和Linux发展史上的许多奇闻趣事。 另外,本书还解释了622个Unix专业术语,许多术语都给出了其历史来源;书中的示例涵盖了Linux、FreeBSD和Solaris等不同类型的操作系统;全书详细阐述了各种shell的异同并用示例加以说明。
2021-02-15 22:12:35 104.18MB Linu 操作系
2021-01-29 14:12:56 5KB Mysql备份解决方案
In this preface, I’ll tell you about the history of Minimal Perl and the origins of this book. THE HISTORY OF MINIMAL PERL The seeds of this book were sown many years ago, when I was building up my knowl- edge of Perl, the greatest programming language I’d ever encountered (before or since). While reading a variety of books on the subject, I was surprised that the authors felt obliged to delve into so many of the different but equivalent choices for expressing every basic operation in the language, as well as each of the syntactic variations for expressing any one of those choices. As an example, I’ve shown here some of the available choices for expressing in Perl the simple idea that B should be executed only if A is True (with those letters repre- senting arbitrary program elements). Both forward and backward variations for expressing the dependency are included:1 Although some are inclined to present symptoms like these of Perl’s complexity and redundancy as evidence of its “richness,” “versatility,” or “expressiveness,” many Perl novices would surely have a different reaction—that Perl is needlessly complex and too hard to learn. Minimal Perl was created to address these obstacles presented by Perl’s redundancy and complexity. By emphasizing Perl’s grep, sed, and awk-like features, and relying Forward Backward A and B; B if A; A && B; B if A; A and do { B }; do { B } if A; A && do { B }; do { B } if A; if (A) { B }; B if A; unless (!A) { B }; B unless !A; 1Before you despair, I should point out that Minimal Perl uses only 2 of these variations—which is all anybody needs! xx on concepts such as inputs, filters, and arguments, it allows Unix1 users to directly apply their existing knowledge to the task of learning Perl. So rather than being frustrated with Perl’s complexities and disappointed with its steep learning curve, they quickly and painlessly acquire the ability to write useful programs that can solve a wide variety of problems. My first publ
2021-01-28 02:23:48 5.72MB minimal perl unix linux