IE11版本好像才兼容input type="number",但是现在Win7版本操作系统下,很多人的IE版本都是IE7/8/9,所以为了体验就自己写了一个小插件,支持设置最大值、最小值、数字间隔。
2021-10-26 14:48:11 85KB number插件
An IMT-type quadrature formula with the same asymptotic performance as the DE formula
2021-10-25 16:04:11 1.23MB 数值积分-方法
This standard describes the use of the DisplayPort protocol between devices that support the USB Type-C connector using USB Type-C to USB Type-C Cable Assemblies. It describes cable assemblies that adapt the USB Type-C connector to Legacy DisplayPort connectors. It describes cable assemblies and adapters to adapt DisplayPort on USB Type-C to other video protocols. It describes the simultaneous use of USB Enhanced SuperSpeed and the DisplayPort protocol on the USB Type-C connector for docking applications. This standard describes the USB Type-C connector pin assignments and DisplayPort signaling rates to be used in various scenarios when using the above cable assemblies and adapters. It describes how the USB-PD Alternate Mode Discovery and Entry Processes are applied to DisplayPort on the USB Type-C connector.
2021-10-24 01:48:13 3.62MB DP-Type-C DP转Type-C DP协议 Type-C协议
TYPE-C-31-M-01 USB Type-c allegro封装 韩荣HRo TYPE-C-31-M-01 规格:10mm*9.65mm 插拔力:5-20N 类型:TYPE-C母座 品名:TYPE-C母座 TYPE-C母座技术参数: 1.额定负荷: DC 40V 2.5A 2.接触电阻: ≤40mΩ 3.绝缘阻抗: ≥100mΩ DC250V 4.耐焊温度: 250℃+5℃ 5.使用湿度: ≤85%RH 6.插拔寿命:10,000 Cycles
2021-10-21 09:21:08 1.9MB USB Type-c 沉板母座
总线型温室大棚监控系统 项目介绍 采用STM32F103ZET6微控制器为大棚监控系统的数据采集和控制芯片; 配合使用氧化碳传感器,空气/土壤温湿度传感器,光照报警模块明灌溉通风模块,CAN CAN总线模块,显示视频监控等总线模块,显示视频监控等; 一氧化碳传感器,空气/土壤温湿度传感器,光照用于检测大棚内环境数据; 光电开关通过接收反射光线判断是否有人进入大棚; 照明模块在光照不足的情况下为大棚补充植物所需光线; 灌溉模块通过继电器开启; 通风模块通过控制风扇为大棚通风; CAN总线用来连接各个监测子系统与控制子系统; 视频显示模块显示传感器监测到的数据; 监控模块用来监控大棚内图像; 微控制器通过接受传感器的反馈信号来控制电机,风扇,LED装置工作,并且将反馈信号显示到终端,充分发挥出软件编程方便灵活的特点。
2021-10-19 19:52:05 25.57MB 系统开源
input type=file 调取手机照相机和选择照片上传 附件下载demo导入运行即可
python3读取.mat文件: 代码:  from scipy import io mat_file = r'/home/data/1.mat' io.loadmat(mat_file) 报错: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/home/user1/", line 78, in     show_mat(mat)   File "/home/user1/", line 50, in show_mat_flow     x = io.loadmat(mat_file)   File "/home/user
2021-10-17 21:57:06 41KB ab al ble
这是一款Type-C接口,全称USB Type-C接口,是一种全新的USB接口形式。 Type-C接口插座端的尺寸约为8.3mm×2.5mm纤薄设计; 支持从正反两面均可插入的“正反插”功能,可承受1万次反复插拔。
2021-10-10 18:36:48 490KB USB Type-C模型
Chebyshev type I filter 切比雪夫I型滤波器源码 可用于Matlab octave cheby1 n Rp Wc low pass filter with cutoff pi Wc radians cheby1 n Rp Wc "high" high pass filter with cutoff pi Wc radians cheby1 n Rp [Wl Wh] band pass filter with edges pi Wl and pi Wh radians cheby1 n Rp [Wl Wh] "stop" band reject filter with edges pi Wl and pi Wh radians">Chebyshev type I filter 切比雪夫I型滤波器源码 可用于Matlab octave cheby1 n Rp Wc low pass filter with cutoff pi Wc radians cheby1 n Rp Wc "high" high pass filter with cutoff pi Wc radians cheby1 n Rp [Wl Wh] band pass filter with edges pi Wl and pi [更多]
2021-10-08 13:19:16 3KB matlab filter Chebyshev