Digital Logic Design Using Verilog Coding and RTL Synthesis.bak
2020-04-04 03:11:29 180.74MB verilog IC
The advent of multicore processors has renewed interest in the idea of incorporating transactions into the programming model used to write parallel programs.This approach, known as transactional memory, offers an alternative, and hopefully better, way to coordinate concurrent threads. The ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) properties of transactions provide a foundation to ensure that con- current reads and writes of shared data do not produce inconsistent or incorrect results. At a higher level, a computation wrapped in a transaction executes atomically - either it completes successfully and commits its result in its entirety or it aborts. In addition, isolation ensures the transaction pro- duces the same result as if no other transactions were executing concurrently. Although transactions are not a parallel programming panacea, they shift much of the burden of synchronizing and co- ordinating parallel computations from a programmer to a compiler, to a language runtime system, or to hardware. The challenge for the system implementers is to build an efficient transactional memory infrastructure. This book presents an overview of the state of the art in the design and implementation of transactional memory systems, as of early spring 2010.
2020-03-04 03:02:45 1.81MB TM 并发 同步 内存一致性
Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms
2020-02-01 03:08:21 39.81MB logic
2020-01-03 11:34:02 19.06MB 天文 射电 接收机
This paper is a survey of the theory and methods of photogrammetric bundle adjustment, aimed at potential implementors in the computer vision community. Bundle adjustment is the problem of refining a visual reconstruction to produce jointly optimal structure and viewing parameter estimates. Topics covered include: the choice of cost function and robustness; numerical optimization including sparse Newton methods, linearly convergent approximations, updating and recursive methods; gauge (datum) invariance; and quality control. The theory is developed for general robust cost functions rather than restricting attention to traditional nonlinear least squares.
2020-01-03 11:30:03 570KB Bundle Adjustment Sparse Matrices
Henrik Wann Jensen PDF 扫描版,photon mapping 经典书籍
2020-01-03 11:26:59 18.55MB Photon Mappi
IC设计三大经典书籍,Advanced ASIC Chip Synthesis Using Synopsys Design Compiler,physical compiler and Primetime
2020-01-03 11:22:05 15.2MB asic verilog IC设计
High-Level Synthesis蓝皮书,高级语言综合中的经典教材!!!
2019-12-21 22:06:15 11.24MB 高级语言综合 RTL Algorithmic C
2019-12-21 21:39:50 18.42MB AI
关于photo mapping最经典的书,是photo mapping的创始人写的书。
2019-12-21 21:08:14 18.68MB photon mapping