Getting Started with Apache OFBiz Manufacturing.pdf )
2019-12-21 20:03:44 2.78MB ofbiz
英文原版电子书pdf版,超清晰,有书签 Getting Started with Kubernetes, 2nd Edition First published: December 2015 Second edition: May 2017 Production reference: 1300517
2019-12-21 20:00:39 11.49MB Kubernetes
p5.js 是一款用来制作图片、动画和交互的软件。它的设计理念是:写一行代码,然后屏幕上就出现了一个圆。再增加一些代码,圆就会跟着鼠标走。再增加一些代码,当鼠标点击这个圆时,圆就会变色。我们将其称之为用代码素描。你一行一行地写,程序就一点一点的实现了。
2019-12-21 19:52:10 7.24MB p5.js
There are a multitude of books out there to help you hone your Verification skills, as almost every Digital IC professional will tell you. The available books run the gamut of quality and ease of use. The major strength of this book is a place where many of those books fall down – they are not what they claim to be. Vanessa’s book is a great example of exactly what it claims to be – a guide for the “beginner”. “Beginner” is used loosely in this context because the book does not shy away from advanced concepts (the Factory, register package prediction, etc.)
2019-12-21 19:30:04 4.51MB UVM
Ubuntu 16.04入门手册 Getting Started with Ubuntu 16.04
2019-12-21 18:58:37 6.64MB Ubuntu 16.04 入门手册
Deep learning doesn't have to be intimidating. Until recently, this machine-learning method required years of study, but with frameworks such as Keras and Tensorflow, software engineers without a background in machine learning can quickly enter the field. With the recipes in this cookbook, you'll learn how to solve deep-learning problems for classifying and generating text, images, and music. Each chapter consists of several recipes needed to complete a single project, such as training a music recommending system. Author Douwe Osinga also provides a chapter with half a dozen techniques to help you if you're stuck. Examples are written in Python with code available on GitHub as a set of Python notebooks. You'll learn how to: Create applications that will serve real users Use word embeddings to calculate text similarity Build a movie recommender system based on Wikipedia links Learn how AIs see the world by visualizing their internal state Build a model to suggest emojis for pieces of text Reuse pretrained networks to build an inverse image search service Compare how GANs, autoencoders and LSTMs generate icons Detect music styles and index song collections
2019-12-21 18:56:25 13.11MB 深度学习
英文清晰版 Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries ,学习LLVM必不可少的资料
2015-06-29 00:00:00 19.24MB LLVM
2015-04-14 00:00:00 1.05MB Scala sbt