Develop efficient and modern Full Stack applications using Spring Boot2 and React Key Features Develop resourceful backends using Spring Boot and faultless frontends using React. Explore the techniques involved in creating a full stack app by going through a methodical approach. Learn to add CRUD functionalities and use Material UI in the user interface to make it more user-friendly. Book Description Apart from knowing how to write front-end and server-end code, a full-stack engineer has to tackle all the problems that are encountered in the application development lifecycle, starting from a simple idea to UI design, technical design, and all the way to implementing, testing, production deployment and monitoring. This book covers the full set of technologies that you need to know to become a full-stack web developer with Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend. This comprehensive guide demonstrates how to build up a modern full stack app in practice. This book will teach you how to build REST API endpoints and work with the Data Access Layer of Spring using Hibernate as the ORM. As we move ahead, you will be introduced to the other components of Spring such as Spring Security that will teach you how to secure the backend and also how to test it. Then, we will move on to the frontend where you will be introduced to React- a modern JavaScript library for building fast and reliable user interfaces and its app development environment and components. We will also create a Docker container from our application. Finally, the book will lay out the best practices that underpin professional full-stack web development. By the end of this book, you will master the process of full stack development by leveraging the power of Spring boot and React What you will learn Learn how to create a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot. Understand how to use React for front-end programming. Gain knowledge of how to create unit tests using JUnit. Discover the techniques
2021-10-08 21:55:31 13.06MB java spring5 springboot2 react
2021-09-23 15:00:48 62KB Springboot 配置数据源 Springboot activiti
SpringBoot2 与 Quartz 整合的Demo。 后台可添加、修改、移除 定时任务。 也可查看当前任务的状态 灵活的定时任务
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SpringBoot2后台通用管理源码 源码描述: 一、源码介绍 系统基于Spring Boot2技术,前端采用了Layui2。数据库以MySQL为实例,理论上是跨数据库平台. 二、主要功能 一个基于SpringBoot 2 的管理后台系统,包含了用户管理,组织机构管理,角色管理,功能点管理,菜单管理,权限分配,数据权限分配,代码生成等功能 三、注意事项 开发环境为idea,数据库为mysql
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1.部署流程定义 ,执行此操作后 activiti 会将上边代码中指定的 bpm 文件和图片文件保存在 activiti 数据库。 2.启动一个流程实例 3.任务查询 4.完成任务
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Spring Boot2进行的J2EE快速开发,阅读本书前建议应先阅读《疯狂Java讲义》一书,适合有比较好的java基础,jsp,Servlet,JDBC基础,Spring框架基础读者
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springboot版本2.0.4;activiti版本5.22.0 启动后访问localhost:8080就可以看到列表页面,点击绘制按钮就可以开始画图了。另外配置好数据库后,启动项目会自动建好相关表
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