SOURCE INCLUDED and ALL INTERNALS EXPOSED version For regular version ,please see: PRO Radar Builder IMPORTANT If you are updating from the standard Radar Builder ,delete the LIB folder content from your project before importing. - internal pooling & Optimization module 3D Radar Builder is an advanced editor tool which allows users to, ;WITHOUT CODING,CREATE: -3D RADARS (world & screen space) -MINIMAPS (world & screen space), (static or Realtime) -TRACKING SYSTEMS (world & screen space) - World AND screen space 3D Radar and tracking systems with 9 Point snapping - Minimap creation module. - Create real (static or realtime) minimap systems without coding. -Treat the radar like any other object, scale it , rotate it , position it , make it a child. - Single click to create radars ZOOM and PAN INSIDE of the radar to look anywhere - Use ANY material for blips - use Sprite Blips - Use Mesh Blips at different LODs - Use Prefab Blips - Height Tracking (tracking lines). - Use Advanced rotation tracking - Optional Blip Auto scaling functions -Visualize Design - Use Multiple culling zones - Use Local or preset scale - Easy layer assignment. Just set it and forget it - Generate unique blips representing object with specific tags. - The System Uses Neither Unity UI nor IMGU, making it fast - Allows for a wide array of objects objects, even particle effects to be simulated in the radar. - Static minimaps, ideal for small static scenes. - Realtime Minimap , ideal for large scenes / Open worlds. - Advanced rotation re-targeting. - Auto-scaling and options for always showing blips in the radar. - Allows for a wide array of objects objects, even particle effects to be simulated in the radar. What else you get - Space ship model - Space ship control script - Space environment - Radar templates as seen in the preview images - Lens flare - multiple blip sprites - multiple radar design sprites - multiple materials - 1 skybox FOR THE 2D COMPONENT - The 2D Radar System Uses Neither Unity UI nor IMGU - Allows for 9 Point screen snapping - MULTIPLE rotation tracking options - Custom radar sprite rotation targeting - Custom blip rotation targeting - Prefab Blip support - Sprite Blip Support What you get - Custom masking shaders - multiple Blip sprites - multiple Radar Sprites - multiple example scenes - Simple AI (just used in example scene to make objects move around on floor) - Minimaps and Radars of any shape - and more... tested with - 2D Sidescroller - NEW : "Track Y Position" toggle function for radars that need to track blips moving through the y axis, this means that the z axis wont be tracked when this is turned on. - Top Down - 2.5D - Fixed 3D - 3D - And others in between You will notice two dll files in the project. One is what we use to draw the editor window is a fragment of our Reality Engine API which is in development. Your radar will still work even if you delete that dll. BUT DONT DO THAT :) The other contains another fragment of our API. Since this is the source included version you have access to all the source code you need.. For 2D Radars please see: 2D Radar Builder For 3D Radars please see: 3D Radar Builder Simple AI (just used in example scene to make objects move around on floor)
2021-12-17 20:52:52 25.79MB map
mstar_with_machine_learning 先决条件 该存储库使用python 3.6和scikit-learn API给出了带有机器学习的公共MSTAR数据集上的SAR ATR的示例。 建议直接安装Anaconda 3,它提供了numpy,matplotlib和scipy等常见软件包以及scikit-learn。 说明 该示例支持大多数机器学习方法的实现,包括逻辑回归,神经网络,支持向量机等。 为了减少计算量,它使用主成分分析来减少特征。 数据处理和模型声明分别在data.py和model.py中定义。 当然,您可以添加您自己的操作。
2021-12-16 16:37:04 27.06MB machine-learning radar scikit-learn sar
阵列雷达matlab仿真代码使用 HDL Coder 和 Zynq RFSoC 的 FPGA 自适应波束成形和雷达示例 概述 该存储库包含 FPGA/HDL 演示,其中包含多种波束成形和雷达设计。 提供 Simulink 模型和 MATLAB 参考代码以展示各种雷达和阵列处理算法的高级仿真和 HDL 设计。 此贡献中使用的许可证是 XSLA 许可证,这是 MathWorks 员工贡献的最常见许可证。
2021-12-16 11:46:24 7.14MB 系统开源
This lecture series gives comprehensive overview of the broad field of advanced radar systems, signal and data processing. The series starts with a lecture by U. Nickel in which the basic and fundamental of signal processing for phased array radar and their problems with grating lobes, ambiguities, and angle estimation for instance. The lecture “Advanced target tracking techniques” by W. Koch gives a short introduction to the principle of target tracking and several approaches are discussed for sequential track extraction and for phased-array radars. In the third lecture P. Berens gives an introduction to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR). T. Johnsen provides an overview of bi- and multistatic radar and their associated problems like synchronization, timing, and signal processing. The second lecture of U. Nickel focuses on the problem of adaptive array signal processing and provides the fundamental understanding for the next two lectures. The focus of these lectures, presented by W. Bürger, is on space-time adaptive processing. In his second lecture P. Berens continues with the topic of the synthetic aperture radar and expands the presented techniques to wideband SAR and multichannel SAR/MTI systems. W. Koch’s second paper focuses on sensor data and information fusion, which is essential to extract key-information for the final judgement using several sensors. In summery, this Lecture Series presents a unique overview of the state of the art of advanced radar and the associated signal and data processing research. It offers a variety of material for all those being involved in this scientific area, e.g. students, university teachers, researchers, industrial system designers, and military users.
Simon Haykin著 附录彩色,全本清晰版 适合进一步学习雷达知识者 -------------------------------- 小闻子专业推荐 质量保证
2021-12-15 21:18:48 8.13MB Radar Signal Processing Simon
2021-12-15 08:57:51 33.49MB 卡尔曼滤波 雷达
radar signal analysis and processing using matlab 英文版及其源代码
2021-12-11 22:27:18 9.54MB radar matlab 源码
2021-12-09 16:04:18 636KB 雷达RadarFMCW
This manuscript is based on the dissertation entitled ”Microwave Circuits for 24 GHz Radar Front-End Applications in CMOS and Bipolar Technologies” submitted to the University of Paderborn. 本资源仅用于学习和交流用,请于下载后24小时自行删除.
2021-12-03 23:11:56 8.68MB microwave automotive radar