si4734 si4735 收音机 编程指南
2023-05-17 11:48:18 2.8MB si4734 si4735 收音机 编程指南
From the Back Cover This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published t regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or evised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 1, Fascicle 1 This first fascicle updates The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition: Fundamental Algorithms, and ultimately will become part of the fourth edition of that book. Specifically, it provides a programmer's introduction to the long-awaited MMIX, a RISC-based computer that replaces the original MIX, and describes the MMIX assembly language. The fascicle also presents new material on subroutines, coroutines, and interpretive routines.
2023-05-16 14:55:35 10.48MB 算法
linux 高级编程 PDF 英文版 linux-advanced-programming
2023-04-27 09:36:56 3.69MB linux 高级编程 PDF advanced
Windows编程的圣经,曾经伴随着近50万Windows程序员步入编程殿堂,成长为IT时代的技术精英。 由于该书的后续版本即第6版彻底重写,内容全面革新,不再有Win32 API相关的内容,因此这本英文第5版原版也成为目前市面上已经绝版的珍贵资料。 尽管本书出版年份较早,但作为Windows开发人员的必备参考,本书涵盖了基础知识和中高级主题,全面地介绍了Windows程序设计所涉及的细枝末节,旨在帮助读者从高屋见瓴的角度,建立完整的知识体系,为以后的职业生涯奠定良好的基础。全书共3部分23章。 第1~12章着重介绍基础知识,第13~18章的主题为图形,第19~23章涉及更多高级主题。
2023-04-25 12:37:50 3.24MB Programming Windows Win32 API
The C++ Programming Language 英文第4版2013年的, 中文第3版. pdf格式
2023-04-24 07:27:28 61.94MB C++ Programming Language cn3ed
中文名: 游戏编程精粹8 原 名: Game Programming Gems 8 作 者: Adam Lake 内容介绍: 本书为《Game Programming Gems》系列的第八卷。在这一版当中,我们将广泛地探讨重要的实时图形方面,如Larrabee, PlayStation 3, 以及DirectX 11计算着色器。此外在本书中,处在第一线的业内顶级开发商如:Blizzard,id, Bizarre Creations, Nexon,以及Intel's Advanced Visual Computing group,还分享了他们如何以最佳的方式利用图形硬件为游戏创建高品质视觉效果的真知灼见。
2023-04-20 20:54:15 9.13MB 编程精粹8 Game Programming DirectX11
matlab 地震无代码编程 2015 年 11 月发行的两篇论文的完整代码清单,位于地球科学编程的重点部分: 在 Matlab 中设置 Rayleigh Wave Explorer 的可行性,由 . MATLAB 文件根据 . 编写地震程序,由 Evan Bianco 和 Matt Hall of . 根据知识共享署名条款许可的笔记本中的 Python 代码。 公众可查阅的文章。
2023-04-20 10:18:34 296KB 系统开源
“本书包含一些我所见过的最美的代码。”   —— Bjarne Stroustrup,C++ 设计者
2023-04-19 21:27:59 619KB 编程 编程原本
Introduction to Game Programming Using C# and Unity 3D 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2023-04-17 22:24:21 6.88MB Introduction Game Programming Using
2023-04-17 13:29:59 10.01MB 游戏编程