该资源包含 35 个特效预制件。 每个特效都很独特! 支持 URP 和 HDRP。 支持 PC/游戏主机/移动端/网页/VR。
2021-04-08 17:04:07 20.3MB unity particle Fantastic Cartoon
Imagy VFX! 该资源包括: - 18 种独特的超炫特效; - 以简单的能力系统为例演示场景; - URP、HDRP、LWRP 支持。(无失真效果) 如要升级到 HDRP / URP,需要使用 RenderPipeline->UpgradeMaterials 或 HDRP/URP 路径(从 Unity 2019.3.15 起) ShadowHole 特效中的地面孔洞在 HDRP 不支持。 可以使用 Amplify Shader Editor 编辑所有着色器。
2021-04-08 17:04:06 71.39MB unity particle Imagy VFX
Weapon projectiles that works perfectly for mobile, lowpoly or stylized games. Customize your own colored projectile and size This package includes 3 different projectiles with 3 different sizes that are re-scaleable for any project. It has 5+ re-colored presets for each projectiles and custom scripts to recolor. - Optimized for mobiles using only Unity mobile shaders - Works with 2D and 3D - Support package for HDRP and URP(LWRP) - Includes custom scripts to change color fast
2021-04-08 17:04:05 8.5MB unity particle Stylized Projectile
Materialize FX Works in local or world positions Contains scripts for simple activation of materialization/disintegration, material replacement, animation without the animator, make copy of materials Supports: Amplify Shader Editor Requires a GPU that supports shader model 3.0 or higher (Supports only Built-in Render Pipeline, HDRP/URP are not supported) Shader is made by using an amplify shader editor function, and all logic is in the independent function, therefore you can call the function, and tweak the shader as you like Promo media (videos, images) uses the Post-Processing Stack by Unity Technologies. Feel free to contact me with any questions and comments
2021-04-08 13:02:57 39.59MB unity particle Materialize FX
Particle Logo FX 1.0
2021-04-07 09:13:52 1.08MB U3D
业界牛人 Arnaud Doucet 08年在北卡罗莱纳州立大学的一篇讲义具体介绍了粒子滤波(序列蒙特卡罗)的算法原理
2021-04-01 16:23:45 134KB 粒子滤波 particle filter
2021-03-31 09:22:51 1.39MB unity
2021-03-31 09:22:50 686KB unity
2021-03-22 15:02:35 105KB 粒子 Unity 特效 particle
2021-03-18 10:16:37 985KB Unity3d 水粒子特效