Modeling and Optimal Design of Linear Network Coding for Secure Unicast with Multiple Streams
2021-02-09 22:04:58 887KB 研究论文
A Multiple Blockchains Architecture On Inter-Blockchain Communication.pdf
2021-02-09 10:08:13 495KB 区块链
Charging utility maximization in wireless rechargeable sensor networks by charging multiple sensors simultaneously
2021-02-08 10:03:23 1.63MB 研究论文
Multiple learning backtracking search algorithm for estimating parameters of photovoltaic models
2021-02-07 16:03:08 896KB 研究论文
Multiple Satellite Image Data Coordinative Computation Technology and Application in Coast Region
2021-02-07 16:03:02 869KB 研究论文
An algorithm is proposed for the fast reconstruction of off-axis digital holograms based on a combination of complex encoding (CE) and spatial multiplexing (SM). In this algorithm, every two off-axis holograms recorded in sequence are first assembled into a CE hologram using the CE method, and then four of the CE holograms are again encoded into one complex spatial multiplexing (CSM) hologram based on the SM algorithm. It is demonstrated that the eight holograms encoded into such one CSM hologra
2021-02-07 16:03:01 850KB
zeallot:热忱的变量分配! (或R中的多个,拆包和解构分配)
2021-01-30 23:03:10 499KB flyback 交叉调整率
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2021-01-30 20:01:44 5.57MB FTP Server Multiple users
Code for multiple images in style transfer based on NEURAL TRANSFER USING PYTORCH 风格迁移中将多个图片同时转化。
2021-01-28 04:58:00 7KB 深度学习