等待时间和滞留时间分布 等待时间构成:正待服务的顾客离开一个;队列里面的n个人离开。 这些人离开后,新到的顾客才能开始服务
2022-02-24 18:15:57 1.39MB math Markov
When events dictated that I would pursue a career in computer programming— rather than electrical engineering—I had no need for complex numbers, until Mandlebrot’s work on fractals emerged. But that was a temporary phase, and I never needed to employ complex numbers in any of my computer graphics software. However in 1986, when I joined the flight simulation industry, I came across an internal report on quaternions, which were being used to control the rotational orientation of a simulated aircraft.
2022-02-23 10:59:08 1.09MB math graphics
语言:English 在所需的任何页面上渲染LaTeX和MathML公式 使浏览和阅读具有数学符号的文档变得容易! 只需单击一个整体图标,该网站上的所有MathML&LaTeX公式都将使用MathJax呈现。 #Changelog ## v2.0 * HTTPS支持*带有alt标签的img回退到MathJax ## v1.1 *与Chrome 21的兼容性## v1.0 *初始版本。
2022-02-18 21:59:11 27KB 扩展程序
中文, 扫描版, 高清带目录, 豆瓣高分书籍, 学数论的时候看了一遍, 果然是神书
2022-02-13 19:21:59 19.47MB math
James Munkres Topology
2022-02-13 17:45:21 9.73MB Math
主要介绍了Python math库 ln(x)运算的实现及原理,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习学习吧
2022-02-11 22:04:47 64KB Python math ln(x)运算 Python
数学名著译丛 博大精深的素数__(加)P._里本伯姆著;孙淑玲,冯克勤译.pdf
2022-01-30 17:27:25 20.47MB math
Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series(SUMS) SUMS16 Introduction to Ring Theory, P. M. Cohn (2000) .pdf
2022-01-27 18:02:20 8.41MB math
Requires Unity 4.3.2 or higher. Math Library for Unity contains large amount of useful objects and methods and is aimed to provide solutions for common geometric and algebraic tasks which game developers might face. Follow me on Twitter! - Primitives: line, ray, segment, plane, rectangle, aab, box, circle, sphere, triangle, polygon - Intersection tests - Distance and projection calculations - Point containment tests - Bounding objects construction - Side testing - Convex hull construction - Point set approximation - Numerical methods - Pseudo random number generator with lots of useful sampling methods; Poisson disk sampling; shuffle bag - Catmull-Rom and natural cubic splines with custom editor - Utility methods for vectors and matrices - Solid documentation - Test prefabs showing examples of usage - Source code included Documentation file describing library contents with the examples is also available by the link.
2022-01-26 14:07:32 3.19MB unity assets unitypackage
2022-01-25 17:09:35 791KB math