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2023-02-15 23:35:13 800KB ucosii ucos-ii ucos2
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2023-02-14 14:55:56 5.4MB 破解器
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2023-02-14 14:20:53 441KB 综合资料
什么是交易II? deal.II是一个C ++程序库,旨在使用自适应有限元解决偏微分方程的计算问题。 它使用最先进的编程技术,为您提供所需的复杂数据结构和算法的现代化接口。 对于急躁的人: 假设您已经将.tar.gz文件解压缩到目录/ path / to / dealii / sources中。 然后使用以下命令配置,编译和安装deal.II库: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/dealii/should/be/installed/to /path/to/dealii/sources $ make install (alternatively $ make -j install) $ make test 要从存储库进行构建,请首先执行以下命令: $ git clone
2023-02-13 00:04:57 30.46MB c-plus-plus finite-elements C++
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2023-02-08 19:01:57 253KB Nios II FPGA SOC
The title reminds me of this historical oddity: In the distant past, Chinese scholars, some of them imaginary, traveled to the West (that is, India) in search of Urtcxt Buddhist scriptures. About fifteen centuries later, this process has come full circle, and Western scholars, some of them all too real, trawl to the East to discover and render into Western terms not so much the scriptures as the spirit and gestures of Eastern philosophy. This readable and accurate book, by a pioneering scholar of Buddhism, is a very creditable product of this movement. Even its tone of intellectual severity and moral earnestncssone is reminded at times more of Samuel Richardson than of Chuang Tsu--is entirely appropriate, for Zen Buddhism is the extreme puritanical branch of Eastern my
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2023-02-06 10:28:32 17.07MB  Altera  FPGA 勇敢的芯  NIOS
nsga2算法matlab代码MATLAB中的NSGA-II 这是MATLAB中非主导排序遗传算法II(NSGA-II)的实现。 有关更多信息,请访问以下URL: 引用这项工作 您可以按如下所示引用此代码: Mostapha Kalami Heris,MATLAB中的NSGA-II(URL:),Yarpiz,2015年。
2023-02-04 14:47:30 9KB 系统开源