2021-08-20 01:26:34 316KB 源码 Java
更新:有关重要状态的更新,请参见。 py-swirld 只是在Python里蒙·里蒙·拜德(Leemon Baird)的Swirlds拜占庭共识算法(可提供)上作弊。 Swirlds是一种算法,可构建高度一致且具有分区容忍性的对等仅追加日志。 它似乎按我的预期工作,但不要认为这是理所当然的! 依存关系 python3(显然!) 密码 分析和交互式可视化 用法/高级解释 如果您不打算了解算法的工作原理,那么我认为这对您没有任何帮助,因此您应该先阅读白皮书。 之后,实现非常简单:将代码划分为与本文介绍的功能相同的功能: 主循环(这是一个协程,用于逐步评估并避免线程)。 sync(, ) ,它查询远程节点并更新本地数据。 divide_rounds为新交易设置轮次和见证。 decide_fame负责投票的东西。 find_order根据新的选举结果更新最终交易清单。 一切都打包到一个Node类中,该Node类使用其签名密钥对和一个字典将其初始化,该字典将节点ID(它的公钥)映射到某种从他那里查询数据的方式(
2021-08-17 17:00:58 15KB database ipfs distributed-database hashgraph
Distributed Optimization for Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems with External Disturbance and Discrete-Time Communication
2021-08-07 10:36:13 230KB 研究论文
In the most general meaning, a distributed computer system is identified with computer network. There are two problems with this identification. One concerns the word “computer”. Even the origins of such systems encompassed not only computers but also devices far from being computers, like missile launchers and other military objects (a brief historical outline is in Chap. 2). Let alone today’s networks that connect things of professional and everyday usage: one can hardly say that the so-called intelligent refrigerator is a computer. The other problem concerns the word “distributed”. The main feature of such architectures is lack of shared physical memory, where processors intercommunicate by message passing through data links (channels) of arbitrary length and bandwidth. So, in this meaning, a motherboard of transputers (Sect. 5.3 in Chap. 5), processors interacting by data packet exchange inside one machine, all are distributed systems too. But on the other hand, a computer surrounded by simple terminals for data input and output, multi-access computer or workstations with direct access to memory of a mainframe, are systems categorized as not distributed in the aforesaid meaning, though distributed in the common parlance, because separated spatially. Nonetheless, the distinguishing characteristic of distributed computer systems as the research and engineering domain, is inter-computer communication by message passing based on networks. However, the design, technical solutions, and appli- cation of distributed systems and general (“generic”) networks, are not identical. The conceptual difference lies in their destination. A distributed system is being often constructed as a computation environment for specific class of applications, for a company of certain activity profile, for a corporation or education center, whereas a network is a universal tool for data transmission not limited to particular applications. Thus, the constructional difference consists in softw
2021-07-30 16:58:25 19.6MB Distributed
Distributed Computing with Go 9781787125384.pdf Production Coordinator: Nilesh Mohite First published: February 2018 Production reference: 1270218
2021-07-29 17:18:57 5.88MB go 分布计算
This monograph introduces recent developments in formation control of distributed-agent systems. Eschewing the traditional concern with the dynamic characteristics of individual agents, the book proposes a treatment that studies the formation control problem in terms of interactions among agents including factors such as sensing topology, communication and actuation topologies, and computations.
2021-07-28 09:48:49 11.62MB Formation Contro Agents 编队飞行
是文字版的。有关 distributed parameter system identification
2021-07-18 15:19:34 9.43MB 系统辨识
基于组件的编程框架。 该项目旨在支持各种目标框架。 一个基于 wxWidgets 的 GUI 应用程序是主要示例,它还通过 UML 导入和导出(db 逆向工程)提供快速的数据库 GUI 设计。
2021-07-02 20:03:23 11.91MB 开源软件
对于Distributed Consensus in Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control书中的五个公式进行了推导和MATLAB实现,里面含有推导过程和MATLAB实现的代码。
2021-06-28 15:29:41 916KB 一阶二阶 一致性原理 编队一致性