2021-09-02 15:29:25 11.5MB beamforming
Microsoft Communications Control组件 Microsoft Communications Control组件
2021-09-01 13:02:58 58KB CMSComm组件
本标准适用于 60 – 250°C 单芯或多芯带护套或无护套、整体或非整体电缆以及用于电话和其他通信电路(如内部部署客户系统的语音、数据和音频)的单根或多根同轴电缆。 这些光缆可包含一根或多根光纤构件。 就本标准而言,同轴电缆或同轴构件导体是带有屏蔽层的单根导体。 就本标准而言,单芯或多芯无护套电缆是交叉连接线。
2021-09-01 12:01:14 459KB UL 444 通讯 电缆
无线信道均衡的经典著作Wireless communications over rapidly time-varying channels
2021-09-01 10:57:40 5.8MB Wireless com 信道均衡
书名:WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (Second Edition) 作者:Andreas F. Molisch, Fellow, IEEE University of Southern California, USA Part I INTRODUCTION 1 Applications and Requirements of Wireless Services 1.1 History 1.1.1 How It All Started 1.1.2 The First Systems 1.1.3 Analog Cellular Systems 1.1.4 GSM and the Worldwide Cellular Revolution 1.1.5 New Wireless Systems and the Burst of the Bubble 7 1.1.6 Wireless Revival 8 1.2 Types of Services 8 1.2.1 Broadcast 8 1.2.2 Paging 9 1.2.3 Cellular Telephony 10 1.2.4 Trunking Radio 12 1.2.5 Cordless Telephony 12 1.2.6 Wireless Local Area Networks 14 1.2.7 Personal Area Networks 14 1.2.8 Fixed Wireless Access 14 1.2.9 Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks 15 1.2.10 Satellite Cellular Communications 16 1.3 Requirements for the Services 16 1.3.1 Data Rate 16 1.3.2 Range and Number of Users 17 1.3.3 Mobility 18 1.3.4 Energy Consumption 19 1.3.5 Use of Spectrum 20 1.3.6 Direction of Transmission 21 1.3.7 Service Quality 21 1.4 Economic and Social Aspects 22 1.4.1 Economic Requirements for Building Wireless Communications Systems 22 1.4.2 The Market for Wireless Communications 23 1.4.3 Behavioral Impact 24 2 Technical Challenges of Wireless Communications 27 2.1 Multipath Propagation 27 2.1.1 Fading 27 2.1.2 Intersymbol Interference 31 2.2 Spectrum Limitations 32 2.2.1 Assigned Frequencies 32 2.2.2 Frequency Reuse in Regulated Spectrum 34 2.2.3 Frequency Reuse in Unregulated Spectrum 35 2.3 Limited Energy 35 2.4 User Mobility 36 3 Noise- and Interference-Limited Systems 37 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Noise-Limited Systems 37 3.2.1 Link Budget 40 3.3 Interference-Limited Systems 43 Part II WIRELESS PROPAGATION CHANNELS 45 4 Propagation Mechanisms 47 4.1 Free Space Attenuation 47 4.2 Reflection and Transmission 49 4.2.1 Snell’s Law 49 4.2.2 Reflection and Transmission for Layered Dielectric Structures 51 4.2.3 The d−4 Power Law 53 4.3 Diffraction 54 4.3.1 Diffraction by a Single Screen or Wedge 55 4.3.2 Diffraction by Multi
2021-08-30 14:40:36 12.09MB 无线通信基础
Message分为 “Data message”和"Control message"两种 HSMS Message 帧格式 2.1 Message Length:包含“Message Header + Message Text”的总长度。高位在前,低位在后。 2.2 Message Header:10个字节 ,跟SECS-I的结构相似,但是又有不同。 2.2.1 Session ID:由2个字节构成, 2.2.2 Header Byte2: 对于“Control Message”,值为0或者是状态代码(status code); 对于“Data Message”, 如果“PType”为0的时候,该字节包含 W-Bit和 SECS Stream(类似于SCES-I);如果"PType"不为0则有特殊的含义,暂未定义。 2.2.3 Header Byte3: 对于“Control Message”,值为0或者是状态代码(status code); 对于“Data Message”, 如果“PType”为0的时候,该字节包含 Function Code; 2.2.4 PType(Presentation Type): 是一个枚举量,为0的时候表示使用SECS-II的编码格式,1127保留为其它标准用,128255未启用。 2.2.5 SType(Session Type): 0表示是“Data Message”,其它定义好的是特定的“Control Message”,没有定义的是“Special Considerations”中可能定义,一般不用管。 2.2.6 Stream Bytes 4个字节的帧表示码,跟SECS-I类似,每帧不一样。对于返回帧(Reply Message),该码必需与发送帧(Primary Message)保持一致。 HSMS Message Formats by Type ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「hongyan196」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/hongyan196/article/details/85069151
2021-08-25 15:57:01 492KB secs
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matlab通信工具箱开发zynq SDR说明书,入门必备
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Digital Front End in Wireless Communications and Broadcasting Circuits and Signal Processing RRU相关的非常好的资料,英文版,包括数字前端相关的各种,适合WCDMA, LTE,NB等等。
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Channels Propagation and Antennas for Mobile Communications的电子书,内容详实,大家可以参考
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