2022-07-03 14:03:12 5.43MB 人工智人-家居
“AI for K-12”倡议的临时网络空间。 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
2022-07-02 19:07:11 424.5MB HTML
集成电路设计课件:4-12 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计:低功耗.ppt
2022-06-30 18:09:17 3.23MB 集成电路设计
本人自己翻译的Burp Suite 专业版的中文手册,陆续更新,请期待
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计算机网络-12 交换机和路由器.mp3
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ITSS-12-001-备品备件管理制度 - 实例文件2.docx
2022-06-27 19:05:03 31KB 认证 ITSS 模板
2022-06-27 19:05:03 41KB 认证 ITSS 模板
The Support Vector Machine is a powerful new learning algorithm for solving a variety of learning and function estimation problems, such as pattern recognition, regression estimation, and operator inversion. The impetus for this collection was a workshop on Support Vector Machines held at the 1997 NIPS conference. The contributors, both university researchers and engineers developing applications for the corporate world, form a Who's Who of this exciting new area. Contributors: Peter Bartlett, Kristin P. Bennett, Christopher J. C. Burges, Nello Cristianini, Alex Gammerman, Federico Girosi, Simon Haykin, Thorsten Joachims, Linda Kaufman, Jens Kohlmorgen, Ulrich Kreßel, Davide Mattera, Klaus-Robert Müller, Manfred Opper, Edgar E. Osuna, John C. Platt, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, John Shawe-Taylor, Alexander J. Smola, Mark O. Stitson, Vladimir Vapnik, Volodya Vovk, Grace Wahba, Chris Watkins, Jason Weston, Robert C. Williamson.
2022-06-27 11:01:35 12.13MB kernel machine learning svm
2022-06-25 14:04:07 8.11MB 文档资料
iOS 越狱逆向12.4-12.5.5 lldb动态调试包,越狱,逆向
2022-06-23 14:03:45 12.58MB 越狱 逆向 lldb ios12.5.5