近些年来,随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,新媒体行业的发展迅猛。新媒体是新的技术支撑体系下出现的媒体形态,如网络视频、数字杂志、数字报纸、数字广播、手机短信、移动电视、数字电视、触摸媒体等。相对于报刊、户外、广播、电视四大传统意义上的媒体,新媒体被形象地称为“第五媒体”。 无线通信在过去20年经历了突飞猛进的发展,从以话音为主的2G 时代,发展到以数据为主的3G/4G时代,目前正在步入万物互联的5G时代。2019年6月6日,随着5G牌照的发放,我国正式进入5G商用元年。5G以全新的网络架构,提供10Gbps以上的带宽、毫秒级时延、超高密度连接,实现网络性能新的跃升。 新媒体行业快速发展的同时,对通信技术提出了新的需求。媒体行业激增的数据量对网络传输能力提出了前所未有的挑战。5G技术能够使得媒体行业实时高清渲染和大幅降低设备对本地计算能力的需求得以落地,可以使大量数据被实时传输,降低网络延时,不仅可满足超高清视频直播,还能让AR/VR对画质和时延要求较高的应用获得长足发展。 本白皮书将给出新媒体的业务分析、新媒体行业的通信需求、基于5G技术的新媒体行业解决方案和应用案例,并对基于5G技术的新媒体行业未来发展进行了展望。
2019-12-21 21:47:13 1.22MB 5G 新媒体 行业 白皮书
2019 中国灾备行业白皮书 本白皮书共分为六个章节。 第一章介绍灾备的相关知识与技术概述,包括灾备定义、等级以及复制、归档、 切换、去重等具体技术。 第二章介绍灾备行业合规性要求,包括国际、国家标准以及相关认证等内容。 第三章介绍灾备业务实施及服务质量评价,包括建设内容、灾备演练以及灾 备服务质量评价等内容。 第四章介绍企业上云与云灾备相关知识,包括上云等具体步骤,云灾备相关 发展历程和具体实施事项等。 第五章重点介绍相关行业灾备建设特点及方案,包括政府及组织、金融、医卫、 制造、教育、电信、电力等内容。 第六章主要谈灾备行业的趋势,包括灾备市场规模以及相关趋势等内容。
2019-12-21 20:28:22 5.07MB 灾备 数据库 存储 云灾备
Blockchain is an emerging technology, with almost daily announcements on its applicability to everyday life. It is perceived to provide significant opportunities to disrupt traditional products and services due to the distributed, decentralised nature of blockchains, and features such as the permanence of the blockchain record, and the ability to run smart contracts. These features make blockchain technology-based products or services significantly different from previous internet-based commercial developments and of particular interest to the education sector – although education, with some minor exceptions, is not currently perceived to be high on the agenda of most countries with national blockchain initiatives. In addition, currently stakeholders within education are largely unaware of the social advantages and potential of blockchain technology. This report was produced to address this gap. Context Blockchain technology is forecast to disrupt any field of activity that is founded on timestamped record-keeping of titles of ownership. Within education, activities likely to be disrupted by blockchain technology include the award of qualifications, licensing and accreditation, management of student records, intellectual property management and payments.
2019-12-21 19:50:18 3.53MB 欧盟 区块链 教育