Linux C 编程一站式学习.高清.带书签.宋劲杉最新修订版
2019-12-21 21:14:57 8.16MB Linux C
本书是基于Qt Creator集成开发环境的入门书籍,详细介绍了Qt Creator开发环境的使用和Qt基本知识点的应用。
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ruby on rails tutorials 中文版 第二版 高清版 带书签 pdf 《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》中文版(原书第2版,涵盖 Rails 4) Ruby 是一门很美的计算机语言,其设计原则就是“让编程人员快乐”。David Heinemeier Hansson 就是看重了这一点,才在开发 Rails 框架时选择了 Ruby。Rails 常被称作 Ruby on Rails,它让 Web 开发变得从未这么快速,也从未如此简单。在过去的几年中,《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》这本书被视为介绍使用 Rails 进行 Web 开发的先驱者。 在这个全球互联的世界中,计算机编程和 Web 应用程序开发都在迅猛发展,我很期待能为中国的开发者提供 Ruby on Rails 培训。学习英语这门世界语言是很重要的,但先通过母语学习往往会更有效果。正因为这样,当看到 Andor Chen 把《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》翻译成中文时,我很高兴。 我从未到过中国,但一定会在未来的某一天造访。希望我到中国时能见到本书的一些读者! 衷心的祝福你们, 《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》作者 Michael Hartl 原文: Ruby is a delightful computer language explicitly designed to make programmers happy. This philosophy influenced David Heinemeier Hansson to pick Ruby when implementing the Rails web framework. Ruby on Rails, as it’s often called, makes building custom web applications faster and easier than ever before. In the past few years, the Ruby on Rails Tutorial has become the leading introduction to web development with Rails. In our interconnected world, computer programming and web application development are rapidly rising in importance, and I am excited to support Ruby on Rails in China. Although it is important to learn English, which is the international language of programming, it’s often helpful at first to learn in your native language. It is for this reason that I am grateful to Andor Chen for producing the Chinese-language edition of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial book. I’ve never been to China, but I definitely plan to visit some day. I hope I’ll have the chance to meet some of you when I do! Best wishes and good luck, Michael Hartl Author The Ruby on Rails Tutorial
2019-12-21 20:23:44 13.9MB ruby on rails tutorials
信号完整性揭秘-于博士SI设计手记,此版为单页式扫描pdf,不是双页式的扫描文档。 更新:添加书签
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clean code-代码整洁之道(中文完整版-带书签).pdf
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