2022-04-27 19:16:33 2.33MB array
Digital Signal Processing with Matlab Examples, Volume 3, Model-Based Actions and Sparse Representation
2022-04-22 09:04:25 9.2MB matlab 开发语言
2D_3D_PolarFourierTransform:论文“用于极坐标和球面网格的离散傅立叶变换的精确快速计算”的C ++,CUDA和MATLAB代码
2022-04-16 14:54:34 41.39MB c-plus-plus signal-processing matlab cuda
2022-04-15 16:36:31 5.57MB Adaptive
Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter中文版数字信号处理-朱光明译,写的信号处理方面的写的非常好,适合基础学习。
2022-04-14 22:27:16 9.96MB 数字信号处理
Adaptive filters play a very important role in most of today’s signal processing and control applications as most real-world signals require processing under conditions that are difficult to specify a priori. They have been successfully applied in such diverse fields as communications, control, radar, and biomedical engineering, among others. The field of classical adaptive filtering is now well established and a number of key references—a widely used one being the book Adaptive Filter Theory by Simon Haykin—provide a comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications of adaptive filtering. A number of recent developments in the field, however, have demonstrated how significant performance gains could be achieved beyond those obtained using the standard adaptive filtering approaches. To this end, those recent developments have propelled us to think in terms of a new generation of adaptive signal processing algorithms. As data now come in a multitude of forms originating from different applications and environments, we now have to account for the characteristics of real life data: † Non-Gaussianity; † Noncircularity; † Nonstationarity; and † Nonlinearity. Such data would typically exhibit a rich underlying structure and demand the development of new tools, hence, the writing of this new book.
2022-04-14 10:57:58 5.28MB 自适应处理
matlab 代码续行 BDS_Signal_MATLAB 北斗基带信号MATLAB仿真代码 工程文件说明 工程函数 generareCACode.m:北斗C/A码发生器 makeSampledCATable.m:对C/A码进行采样 main.m:创建含有数据、载波与C/A码的信号,工程主函数,其中,数据为1,-1,每20ms变一次,一共持续10s 验证函数 BDS_CaOutput_binary.m:根据输入的卫星号产生北斗基带信号C/A码 digitalCA.m:采样C/A码,即数字化C/A码表 版本说明 v1.06:产生正常北斗信号、延迟的北斗信号(多路径信号) v1.05:产生北斗信号
2022-04-07 14:48:32 5KB 系统开源
未来银行AI整体赋能,毕马威智慧之光 - 创新服务,AI整体赋能平台 - AI工厂,外部数据支持 - Signal R, 智能人机交互 - KIIS,全方位合作模式,无法穷举的应用场景案例
2022-04-06 01:09:45 4.22MB 人工智能 AI工厂 signal 智能人机交互
MIMO Radar Signal Processing
2022-04-04 17:47:39 8.49MB MIMO Radar Signal Processing