2022-01-18 10:53:41 12.48MB RNA测序
2022-01-06 09:15:29 5.84MB Analytical Method;Rotor Dynamics;
The purpose of this book is to provide a self-contained entry into Monte Carlo computational techniques. First and foremost, it must not be confused with a programming addendum to our earlier book Monte Carlo Statistical Meth- ods whose second edition came out in 2004. The current book has a dierent purpose, namely to make a general audience familiar with the programming aspects of Monte Carlo methodology through practical implementation. Not only have we introduced R at the core of this book, but the emphasis and contents have changed drastically from Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, even though the overall vision remains the same. Theoretical foundations are intentionally avoided in the current book.
2022-01-06 03:51:06 9.42MB R-Language Statistics
2022-01-05 12:34:41 1.31MB 最优化方法
研究方法简介Introduction to research methods
2022-01-04 11:02:21 776KB 方法论 英语课件
使用R的集成方法 ######我已经完成了关于集成方法的个人项目(论文)。 首先,我对不同的集成方法进行了背景研究,然后在基础机器学习算法上实现了Boosting,AdaBoost,Bagging和随机森林技术。 我使用了提升方法来提高弱小的学习者(如决策树桩)的性能。 为决策树(包括回归和分类问题)和KNN分类器实施装袋。 将随机森林用作分类树。 我已经在使用不同阈值的逻辑回归算法上实现了一种特殊的增强算法,称为“ AdaBoost”。 然后绘制不同的图形,例如错误率与增强,装袋和随机森林迭代的关系。 比较装袋与提振的结果。 在应用集成方法之前和应用集成方法之后,分析了分类器的性能。 使用了诸如交叉验证,MSE,PRSS,ROC曲线,混淆矩阵和袋外误差估计之类的不同模型评估技术来评估集成技术的性能。
2021-12-29 22:46:40 12KB R
A. 导线电感 (1) 一定长度的导线电感 载流导线总是闭合的,包围的面积越大,磁链ψ越大,电感就越大。一段导线是总自感的一部 分。导线长度为l(cm),直径为d(cm),磁导率为μ=μ0,则低频电感 )75.0 4 (ln20 −= d l lL ×10-7(H) (3-25) 如果导线长度很短(l<100d),在括号内增加一项d/2l。在很高频率(大于1GHz)时,导线电感趋于 极限值 )1 4 (ln2 −=∞ d l lL ×10-7(H) (3-25a) 高频时,由于导线的集肤效应减少了磁场空间,使得磁场减少,电感量减少。一般用式(3-25) 计算,中频时(数百kHz)最大有6%的误差,高频时只有2%误差。这在工程上完全允许的。 例4:求一段直径为1mm,长50cm的铜连接线的低频电感量。 解:根据公式(3-25)得到 77 0 1075.0001.0 5.0 ln5.0210)75.0 4 (ln2 −− ×⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −×=×−= d l lL =0.546μH (2)单导线对大平面(地回路)之间电感(图3-13) 单导线直径为d(m),长度为l(m),导线与平面之间平行,导线与平面间距离为h(m),其电感量 ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ + ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ++ ++ = d h hll dll lL 4 ln 4 4/ ln2 22 22 ×10-7(H) + [ ]2 4 4 2 22 2 2 2l h l d h d+ − + + − +/ / ×10-7(H) (3-26) 如果d<>h时,以上公式可进一步简化为 ) 4 (ln2 d h lL = ×10-7(H) (3-26c) (3)两根平行导线电感(图3-14) d h 图 3-13 导线平行地线
2021-12-28 11:07:49 6.27MB 开关电源
This book is designed to support a one-semester course in numerical methods. It has been written for students who want to learn and apply numerical methods in order to solve problems in engineering and science. As such, the methods are motivated by problems rather than by mathematics. That said, sufficient theory is provided so that students come away with insight into the techniques and their shortcomings.
2021-12-27 19:32:34 17.05MB matlab
《Multi-Level Methods in Lubrication》,作者C. H. Venner, A A Lubrecht,Tribology and Interface Engineering (Volume 37)。介绍流体润滑条件下固体接触的计算方法。
2021-12-22 16:48:06 14.49MB Lubric 流体润滑