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This is the first book to describe the Microsoft HoloLens wearable augmented reality device and provide step-by-step instructions on how developers can use the HoloLens SDK to create Windows 10 applications that merge holographic virtual reality with the wearer’s actual environment. Best-selling author Allen G. Taylor explains how to develop and deliver HoloLens applications via Microsoft’s ecosystem for third party apps. Readers will also learn how HoloLens differs from other virtual and augmented reality devices and how to create compelling applications to fully utilize its capabilities. What You Will Learn: The features and capabilities of HoloLens How to build a simple Windows 10 app optimized for HoloLens The tools and resources contained in the HoloLens SDK How to build several HoloLens apps, using the SDK tools Table of Contents Part I: The Windows 10 Development Environment and HoloLens Chapter 1: What Is the Microsoft HoloLens? Chapter 2: The Windows 10 Platform Chapter 3: The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Chapter 4: The Development Edition Chapter 5: Getting Started with HoloLens Development Part II: Building Apps Chapter 6: Choosing a Project to Tackle Chapter 7: Forming Project Teams Part III: Developing with the Unity Framework Chapter 8: Create a Hologram with Unity and Visual Studio Chapter 9: Developing with Unity and Visual Studio Chapter 10: Using C# with Visual Studio and Unity Chapter 11: Building the Origami Sample Application Chapter 12: Building the Holograms 240 Shared Application Part IV: Deep Dive into HoloLens Chapter 13: HoloLens Hardware Chapter 14: Creating Holographic Objects Chapter 15: Manipulating Holographic Objects Part V: Creating Mixed-Reality Apps Chapter 16: Creating a Holographic Teaching Tool Chapter 17: Creating Your App Using HoloToolkit Chapter 18: Testing Your App Part VI: Going Beyond App Development Chapter 19: Becoming a HoloLens Pro Chapter 20: Where Is This Technology Taking Us? Appendix A: Windows Dev Ce
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软件简介: 作者:高国生 GGS PLSQL Developer 10 (更新至Oracle11g2内核) 完美绿色中文破解版,真正地免安装Oralce,已集成最新的instantclient(Oracle11g2),兼容Oracle11g2以下所有版本。 如果需要运行原版,请直接进入bin文件夹,运行plsqldev.exe即可。 更新历史: 2013.05.06 1.将PLSQL更新至10.0.2.1697 2.优化编译的PLSQL.EXE …… tnsnames.ora配置,你懂得: 软件目录bin\instantclient_11_2\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora的配置 如: SERVER213 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) ) )
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