Spring 5 Design Patterns is for all Java developers who want to learn Spring for the enterprise application. Therefore, enterprise Java developers will find it particularly useful in the understanding of design patterns used by the Spring Framework and how it solves common design problems in the enterprise application, and they will fully appreciate the examples presented in this book. Before reading this book, readers should have basic knowledge of Core Java, JSP, Servlet, and XML. Spring 5 Framework is newly launched by Pivotal with reactive programming. Spring 5 introduces many new features and enhancements from its previous version. We will discuss all this in the book. Spring 5 Design Patterns will give you in-depth insight about the Spring Framework. The great part of today's Spring Framework is that all companies have already taken it as a primary framework for development of the enterprise application. For Spring, no external enterprise server is needed to start working with it. The goals of writing this book are to discuss all design patterns used behind the Spring Framework and how they are implemented in the Spring Framework. Here, the author has also given you some best practices that must be used in the design and development of the application. The book contains 12 chapters that cover everything from the basics to more complex design pattern such as reactive programming. Spring 5 Design Patterns is divided into three sections. The first section introduces you to the essentials of the design patterns and the Spring Framework. The second section steps behind the front end and shows where Spring fits in the back end of an application. The third section expands on this by showing how to build web applications with Spring and introducing a new feature of the Spring 5 reactive programming. This part also shows how to handle concurrency in the enterprise application.
2019-12-21 21:54:28 6.73MB Spring Design Patterns
2019-12-21 21:29:54 7.39MB 设计模式 GoF java必读
《Design Patterns》Java设计模式PDF中文版。程序员必看。
2019-12-21 21:29:54 10.23MB Design Patterns 设计模式 中文版
Making Embedded Systems, Design Patterns for Great software,这是一本关于学习嵌入式系统的非常好的文档,值得下载!
2019-12-21 21:26:48 12.81MB 嵌入式 单片机 设计
Professional Java EE Design Patterns 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2019-12-21 21:22:28 1.78MB Professional Java Design Patterns
Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 2nd Edition,英文高清完整版,QT学习不可多得的资料。
2019-12-21 21:15:45 11.07MB QT C++ Pattern
Real-Time Design Patterns - Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time
2019-12-21 21:13:25 13.97MB Real-Time Design Patterns
将现代C++17应用于经典设计模式的实现。除了介绍传统的设计模式之外,这本书还充实了对C++开发人员有用的新模式和方法。作者提出的概念,作为一个有趣的调查,如何可以通过不同的方式解决问题,使用不同程度的技术复杂,并解释不同类型的权衡。 现代C+中的设计模式还为现代C+提供了一个技术演示,展示了它的一些最新特性(例如协同器)是如何使难题更容易解决的。这本书中的例子都适合投入生产,只做了几个简化,以帮助可读性。 你会学到什么 设计模式在现代C+编程中的应用 使用建造者、工厂、原型和单个人的创造模式。 实现结构模式,如适配器、桥接器、装饰器、外观等等。 使用行为模式,如责任链、命令、迭代器、中介等等。 应用诸如Monad等功能设计模式 这本书是给谁的 那些至少有一些编程经验的人,尤其是在C++方面。
2019-12-21 20:53:29 2.84MB 设计模式
程序员必备书籍,这个还用多说吗? 又名: Head First Design Patterns 作者: (美)弗里曼(Freeman,E.) 副标题: Head First Design Patterns 简介 ······   你不想重新发明车轮(或者更差的是,没有充气车胎的轮子),所以你从设计模式中寻求帮助—— 设计模式是过去人们面对同样的软件设计问题所得到的经验。 有了设计模式,就可以利用其他人的实践经验的精华, 因此省下的时间可以用在其他的事情上,如:更有挑战性的事情、更复杂的事情以及更有趣的事情
2019-12-21 20:39:12 40.69MB head 设计模式 必备 java
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software 英文版 (chm)
2019-12-21 20:13:10 2.43MB Design Patterns Elements Reusable