Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ Second Edition Sartraj Sahni | Universities Press 2005 | ISBN: 817371522X | PDF | 826 Pages | 27 MB Description The study of data structures and algorithms is fundamental to computer science and engineering. A mastery of these areas is essential for us to develop computer programs that utilize computer resources in an effective manner. This book is a nice description of data structures in C++. The Part I of book consist of c++ review and preliminaries, Part II consists of data structures including Lists, Dictionaries, Stacks, Queues and trees and their different types of representations, Arrays and Matrices, Graphs and Performance analysis and Part III consists of Algorithm-Design Methods including Greedy method, Divide and conquer, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking (on the web), Branch and Bound (on the web). Table of Contents Part I Preliminaries Chapter 1 C++ Review Chapter 2 Performance Analysis Chapter 3 Asymptotic Notation Chapter 4 Performance Measurement Part II Data Structures Chapter 5 Linear Lists - Arrays Representation Chapter 6 Linear Lists - Linked Representation Chapter 7 Arrays and Matrices Chapter 8 Stacks Chapter 9 Queues Chapter 10 Skip Lists and Hashing Chapter 11 Binary and Other Trees Chapter 12 Priority Queues Chapter 13 Tournament Trees Chapter 14 Binary Search Trees Chapter 15 Balanced Search Trees Chapter 16 Graphs Part III Algorithm Design Methods Chapter 17 The Greedy Method Chapter 18 Divide and Conquer Chapter 19 Dynamic Programming Chapter 20 Backtracking (On the Web) Chapter 21 Branch and Bound (On the Web) Index
2021-09-08 17:24:30 28.07MB 数据结构 英文版 第二版 Sartaj
2021-09-08 17:19:49 45KB C++
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an advanced algorithms book that bridges the gap between traditional CS2 and Algorithms Analysis courses.
2021-09-07 10:12:58 4.21MB Mark Allen Weiss
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gn算法matlab代码 :herb: 先进的数据结构 JavaScript中数据结构的游乐场。 这是的子项目,是的双子项目。 :newspaper: 描述 该自述文件重新组合了许多项目,这些项目侧重于使用JavaScript实现数据结构。 该项目本身不包含任何代码。 :baby: 孩子们 :oden: 顺序 :JavaScript的列表规范 数组 :JavaScript的动态数组数据结构 双端队列 :snake: :适用于JavaScript的Python的双端队列数据结构 链表 :oden: :JavaScript的双链表数据结构 :red_paper_lantern: :JavaScript的单链列表数据结构 :repeat_button: :JavaScript的循环链表数据结构 :blossom: :JavaScript的先进先出数据结构 堆栈 :soft_ice_cream: :JavaScript的后进先出数据结构 :person_juggling: 保持优先 :fallen_leaf: 堆 :JavaScript的堆数据结构 :JavaScript中堆数据结构的规范 :Python的Java的heapq库 :针对Javascript的堆排序算法 :cherries: :JavaScript的二项式堆数据结构 :JavaScript的d-ary堆数据结构 :cherries: :JavaScript的配对堆数据结构 :spiral_shell: :JavaScrip
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data structures and algorithms in c++ mark allen weiss 第三版 扫描版
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"Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structure And Algorithmic Puzzles" is a book that offers solutions to complex data structures and algorithms. There are multiple solutions for each problem and the book is coded in C/C++, it comes handy as an interview and exam guide for computer scientists. A handy guide of sorts for any computer science professional, Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structure And Algorithmic Puzzles is a solution bank for various complex problems related to data structures and algorithms. It can be used as a reference manual by those readers in the computer science industry.The book has around 21 chapters and covers Recursion and Backtracking, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues,Trees, Priority Queue and Heaps, Disjoint Sets ADT, Graph Algorithms, Sorting, Searching, Selection Algorithms [Medians], Symbol Tables, Hashing, String Algorithms, Algorithms Design Techniques, Greedy Algorithms, Divide and Conquer Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Complexity Classes, and other Miscellaneous Concepts. Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structure And Algorithmic Puzzles by Narasimha Karumanchi was published in March, and it is coded in C/C++ language. This book serves as guide to prepare for interviews, exams, and campus work. It is also available in Java. In short, this book offers solutions to various complex data structures and algorithmic problems. What is unique? Our main objective isn't to propose theorems and proofs about DS and Algorithms. We took the direct route and solved problems of varying complexities. That is, each problem corresponds to multiple solutions with different complexities. In other words, we enumerated possible solutions. With this approach, even when a new question arises, we offer a choice of different solution strategies based on your priorities. Topics Covered: Introduction Recursion and Backtracking Linked Lists Stacks Queues Trees Priority Queue and Heaps Disjoint Sets ADT Graph Algori
2021-09-02 00:12:38 55.93MB Data Structure Algorithm
Understand and implement classic data structures and algorithms using JavaScript About This Book Learn how to use the most used data structures such as array, stack, list, tree, and graphs with real-world examples Get a grasp on which one is best between searching and sorting algorithms and learn how to implement them Follow through solutions for notable programming problems with step-by-step explanations Who This Book Is For If you are a JavaScript developer or someone who has basic knowledge of JavaScript, and want to explore its optimum ability, this fast-paced book is definitely for you. Programming logic is the only thing you need to know to start having fun with algorithms. In Detail A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer to utilize resources efficiently. Data structures and algorithms are the base of every solution to any programming problem. This book begins by covering the basics of the JavaScript language and then moves on to discuss the most important data structures such as array, queue, stack, and linked list. You will also gain an in-depth knowledge of how hash tables and set data structure function. After this, you will be taught what trees are, and how to use the binary tree and the binary search tree. In subsequent chapters, you will learn about graphs, DFS, and BFS. Finally, we will round off by learning how to differentiate between various searching and sorting algorithms such as sequential search, binary search, quick sort, bubble sort, and so on, and how to implement them. Towards the end of the book, you will also be introduced to dynamic programming. Table of Contents Chapter 1. JavaScript – A Quick Overview Chapter 2. Arrays Chapter 3. Stacks Chapter 4. Queues Chapter 5. Linked Lists Chapter 6. Sets Chapter 7. Dictionaries and Hashes Chapter 8. Trees Chapter 9. Graphs Chapter 10. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
2021-08-31 14:44:01 4.46MB JavaScript