传送门~~~~~~~~~~~ 大话成像技术文章。。。。
2021-02-09 11:01:44 59.49MB ISP CIS CMOS
Cis!手机模板 1.4商业版.txt
2021-02-04 17:08:31 116B Cis!手机模板
Cis! 微店 1.68PC商业版Discuz3.2恩斯道GBK+UTF.txt
2021-02-04 17:08:21 116B Cis!微店
CIS Docker基准测试-InSpec配置文件 描述 此合规性配置文件以自动化方式实现,以在生产环境中围绕Docker守护程序和容器提供安全性最佳实践测试。 InSpec是一种开源运行时框架和规则语言,用于指定合规性,安全性和策略要求,以测试基础结构中的任何节点。 要求 至少是版 Docker 1.13+ 平台 Debian 8 Ubuntu 16.04 CentOS的7 属性 我们使用yml属性文件来控制配置,以下选项可用: trusted_user: vagrant定义受信任的用户来控制Docker守护程序。 authorization_plugin: authz-broker定义授权插件,以管理对Docker守护程序的访问。 log_driver: syslog定义存储日志的首选方式。 log_opts: /syslog-address/定义Docker守护程序log-opts。 registry_cert_path: /etc/docker/certs.d目录包含各种Docker注册表目录。 registry_name: /etc/docker/certs
2021-02-01 14:36:15 49KB docker security inspec hardening
Docker 通用安全配置指南。 Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 9 Scoring Information ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Profile Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................. 12 1 Host Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1 Ensure a separate partition for containers has been created (Scored) .................. 12 1.2 Ensure the container host has been Hardened (Not Scored) ...................................... 14 1.3 Ensure Docker is up to date (Not Scored) .......................................................................... 16 1.4 Ensure only trusted users are allowed to control Docker daemon (Scored) ........ 18 1.5 Ensure auditing is configured for the docker daemon (Scored) ................................ 20 1.6 Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories - /var/lib/docker (Scored) ................................................................................................................................................... 22 1.7 Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and directories - /etc/docker (Scored) ................................................................................................................................................... 24 1.8 Ensure auditing is configured for Docker files and di
2020-04-10 08:56:43 1.72MB CIS Docker
Cadence CIS本地数据库建立及配置方法,方便管理本地或者服务器元器件库的信息,对硬件设计的库管理比较完善。
2019-12-21 21:56:36 2.72MB Cadence Allegro CIS 数据库
Bandex DNC系统支持加工程序及参数的上传和下载,系统支持多种传输方式。
2019-12-21 21:41:52 2.71MB Bandex DNC MDA CIS
Image sensors have recently attracted renewed interest for use in digital cameras, mobile phone cameras, handy camcoders, cameras in automobiles, and other devices. For these applications, CMOS image sensors are widely used because they feature on-chip integration of the signal processing circuitry. CMOS image sensors for such specific purposes are sometimes called smart CMOS image sensors,vision chips,computational image sensors, etc. Smart CMOS Image Sensors & Applications focuses on smart functions implemented in CMOS image sensors and their applications. Some sensors have already been commercialized, whereas some have only been proposed; the field of smart CMOS image sensors is active and generating new types of sensors. In this book I have endeavored to gather references related to smart CMOS image sensors and their applications; however, the field is so vast that it is likely that some topics are not described. Furthermore, the progress in the field is so rapid that some topics will develop as the book is being written. However, I believe the essentials of smart CMOS image sensors are sufficiently covered and that this book is therefore useful for graduate school students and engineers entering the field. This book is organized as follows. First, MOS imagers and smart CMOS image sensors are introduced. The second chapter then describes the fundamental elements of CMOS image sensors and details the relevant optoelectronic device physics. Typical CMOS image sensor structures, such as the active pixel sensor (APS), are introduced in this chapter. The subsequent chapters form the main part of the book, namely a description of smart imagers. Chapter 3 introduces several functions for smart CMOS image sensors. Using these functions, Chapter 4 describes smart imaging, such as wide dynamic range image sensing, target tracking, and three-dimensional range finding. In the final chapter, Chapter 5, several examples of applications of smart CMOS image sensors are describe
2019-12-21 20:03:17 4.04MB CIS 智能传感器 CMOS传感器
CIS(互联网安全中心) 最新系统基线标准,包含主流操作系统(AIX、redhat、oracle_linux、centos、ubuntu、debian、windows7、windows8、windows10)以及Kubernetes
2019-12-21 19:51:33 48.21MB CIS linux基线 系统基线 安全基线