基于HyberLedger fabric的区块链链溯源系统 部署预算说明 由于机器,和ip有限以及部署的复杂度,将采用单机部署,为节约资源采用docker容器代替虚拟机,每个端口即是一个docker容器服务。 官员端口 订购者:7050 商家组织 公告0: 发布7051 监听7053 数据库5984 官员1: 发布10051 监听10053 数据库7984 区块链操作 区块链操作即是通过sdk发布进行(公钥证书,私钥签名),通知订购者预先准备投票 各股东收到的区块链信息->验证->提交(即投票) 添加奶粉信息 加工奶粉 检测奶粉 删除奶粉 修改奶粉数据 流程演示 区块链信息 总共23个区块链,可看到最新区块链哈希和前一区块哈希 添加奶粉 添加一个所有者为haunxi,id为2,重量为500g的奶粉,可看到交易id 组织1的peer0日志 组织1的peer1日志 组织2的peer0日志 组织
2021-09-22 11:01:28 177KB 系统开源
使用适用于Java的Hyperledger Fabric SDK创建和部署区块链网络 设置和初始化通道,安装和实例化链码,并在您的区块链网络上执行调用和查询 区块链是一个共享的,不可更改的账本,用于记录交易历史。 Linux基金会的Hyperledger Fabric是IBM致力于区块链的软件实现,是一个允许的网络。 Hyperledger Fabric是一个分布式账本解决方案的平台,该平台以模块化架构为基础,可提供高度的机密性,灵活性,灵活性和可扩展性。 在区块链解决方案中,区块链网络充当后端,而应用程序前端则使用SDK与网络进行通信。 为了建立前端和后端之间的通信,Hyperledger Fabric社区提供了许多SDK,用于各种编程语言,例如NodeJS SDK和Java SDK。 该代码模式说明了使用Hyperledger Fabric SDK Java创建,部署和测试区块链网络
The bitcoinj library is a Java implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, which allows it to maintain a wallet and send/receive transactions without needing a local copy of Bitcoin Core. It comes with full documentation and some example apps showing how to use it.
2021-09-15 10:16:49 21.36MB bitcoin blockchain java bitcoinj
financial-platform-with-blockchain 本项目为一个基于区块链的供应链金融平台,资金的存储和变化以及实名认证等信息均会存储在区块链中 all文件夹内包含有本系统的所有文件,其中核心企业和资金方管理系统单独拆分了出来,因为是我们主要负责的,系统其他部分的文件都在all中的另一个文件夹中 每部分都有对应的文档,参考请注明参考文献。
2021-09-06 16:37:46 174.73MB JavaScript
The Blockchain :Developer A Practical Guide for Designing, Implementing, Publishing, Testing, and Securing Distributed Blockchain-based Projects,Elad Elrom, 2019,new book
2021-09-05 17:33:27 12.06MB 区块链 blockchain
2021-09-04 18:51:44 2.15MB eos dapp blockchain game
包括IEEE International Conference on Blockchain,eurosys 等顶尖国际学术会议中关于区块链技术的最新最全论文。
2021-09-04 17:35:00 25.18MB 区块链 blockchain 顶尖国际会议论文
币安智能链 Binance Smart Chain的目标是为Binance Chain带来可编程性和互操作性。为了包含现有的流行社区和先进技术,它将与以太坊和以太坊工具上的所有现有智能合约保持兼容,从而带来巨大的好处。为此,最简单的解决方案是基于以太坊分叉进行开发,因为我们非常尊重以太坊的出色工作。 币安智能链开始基于以太坊叉的开发。因此,您可能会看到许多工具,二进制文件和文档都是基于以太坊的,例如名称“ geth”。 但是,从与EVM兼容的基准出发,Binance Smart Chain引入了一个由21个验证者组成的系统,该验证者具有权益证明证明(PoSA)共识,可以支持较短的冻结时间和较低的费用。权益最强的验证者候选者将成为验证者,并产生区块。双符号检测和其他斜线逻辑可确保安全性,稳定性和链确定性。 由于互操作性的本机支持,因此可以进行跨链传输和其他通信。开发了中继器和链上合同来支持这
2021-08-15 05:21:47 9.72MB blockchain binance Go
区块链 BlockChain 专题研究报告: 1、为什么需要区块链? 2、记账——认识区块链从“记账”开始 3、密码学——区块链技术的核心基石 4、共识机制 5、区块链2.0和3.0 6、总结:区块链是什么? 7、区块链的场景应用 8、区块链推动全球科技文明发展
2021-08-12 17:07:50 4.64MB 区块链 BlockChain 专题报告
In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used. No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors. This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications. What You Will Learn: What the blockchain is Why it is needed and what problem it solves Why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential Major components and their purpose How various components of the blockchain work and interact Limitations, why they exist, and what has been done to overcome them Major application scenarios Who This Book Is For: Everyone who wants to get a general idea of what blockchain technology is, how it works, and how it will potentially change the financial system as we know it Table of Contents Stage I: Terminology and Technical Foundations Step 1: Thinking in Layers and Aspects Step 2: Seeing the Big Picture Step 3: Recognizing the Potential Stage II: Why the Blockchain Is Needed Step 4: Discovering the Core Problem Step 5: Disambiguating the Term Step 6: Understanding the Nature of Ownership Step 7: Spending Money Twice Stage III: How the Blockchain Works Step 8: Planning the Blockchain Step 9: Documenting Ownership Step 10: Hashing Data Step 11: Hashing in the Real World Step 12: Identifying and Protecting User Accounts Step 13: Authorizing Transactions Step 14: Storing Transaction Data Step 15: Using the Data Store Step 16: Protecting the Data Store Step 17: Distributing the Data Store Among Peers Step 18: Verif ying and Adding Transactions Step 19: Choosing a Transaction History Step 20: Paying for Integrity Step 21: Bringing the Pieces Together
2021-08-11 16:44:52 3.67MB Blockchain