数据库管理系统:ch08 Application Design and Development.ppt
2022-06-10 09:05:48 443KB 数据库
思博伦测试仪application 软件 windows 原版安装程序,不是破解的,License需要去思博伦购买. 如果你需要专业的网络测试仪,搜索本站 MiniSMB网络性能测试仪表 工控 该软件复刻了思博伦 spirent的smart window.基于DPDK技术,性能直达14Mpps+/10Gbps.比开源软件性能,发送精度高的多,同时内置友好的用户界面对报文进行编辑..http://docs.minismb.com 有更细的文档资料.
2022-06-09 18:04:01 730.29MB 思博伦测试仪 application
计算机网络英文课件:Chapter2 Application Layer.ppt
2022-06-09 09:06:47 2.07MB 网络 网络 范文/模板/素材
登录页面:login.jsp 主页面:main.jsp(采用框架结构) 显示聊天记录的页面:display.jsp 进行发言的页面:sponse.jsp
2022-06-08 21:34:32 3KB JAVA EE聊天系统
图书馆管理系统 一个简单的烧瓶应用程序,用于与mysql服务一起管理用户 安装 要使用mysql服务,请安装flask_mysqldb $ pip install flask_mysqldb 设置环境变量 $ export FLASK_APP=server.py $ export FLASk_ENV=development 启动服务器 $ flask run 或运行此命令 $ python -m flask run
Application Verifier For Wince6.0,wince6.0下监控内存泄漏的工具
2022-06-06 20:30:35 133KB Application Verifier
思博伦测试仪application 软件包 windows 原版安装程序,不是破解版,License需要去思博伦购买. 如果你需要专业的网络测试仪,搜索本站 MiniSMB网络性能测试仪表 工控版. 该软件复刻了思博伦 spirent的smart window.基于DPDK技术,性能直达14Mpps+/10Gbps.比开源软件性能,发送精度高的多,同时内置友好的用户界面对报文进行编辑..http://docs.minismb.com 有更细的文档资料.
2022-06-06 16:03:47 730.29MB 思博伦测试仪
2022-06-05 17:39:09 156KB Java
计算机网络英文课件:Chapter7 the application layer.ppt
2022-06-05 15:04:30 11.74MB 文档资料 网络
This book introduces some applications of Computational Intelligence (CI) to problems of Earth System Science (ESS). In my opinion, the meeting of CI and ESSs is not a coincidence. There is an affinity between these two fields of science at a very deep level. Both of them use a systems approach; they see their object as a complex system of partly autonomous, evolving, and adaptive subsystems intensively interacting with each other and with their environment, which also changes due to the interaction between subsystems and due to changes of the subsystems. This deep affinity between the two fields makes the approaches and tools developed in CI well suited for solving many problems in ESSs; therefore, CI can provide adequate models for modeling subsystems of the Earth System.
2022-06-04 21:08:11 6.53MB Neural Networks Earth System