Synthesis Variables and Attributes 这个文件是Synthesis 过程中,所需变量和属性的合集, 这是比较新的2018 版本
2021-03-18 09:41:22 3.91MB DC
Semiconductor Nanowires–Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications.pdf
2021-03-15 10:08:07 7.51MB 文献
2021-03-01 17:41:24 14KB GA MIMO array pattern synthesis
Ytterbium-doped yttrium oxysulfide (Yb:Y2O2S) has been synthesized by solid-state reaction with sulfide flux. Diffuse reflection and emission spectra have been measured in order to determine the crystal field splitting of Yb3+ ion in the YOS lattice. According to the crystal-field levels probed in the spectra, the crystal field splitting of 2G7/2 manifold of Yb3+ ion in YOS is 709 cm-1, which is large enough for the quasi-three-level laser operation of Yb3+ ion. Emission peak position, width, fu
This new graduate textbook in computer engineering offers a modern, up-to-date look at computer aided design of VLSI circuits at the functional and logic level by addressing an interesting topic in CAD for digital circuits: design synthesis of detailed specifications from abstract models. Topics covered include hardware modeling, compilation techniques for hardware models, high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, and library mapping algorithms. Course titles include Digital CAD, Advanced Logic Design or Complements of VLSI Design.
2021-02-13 11:18:04 23.8MB Synthesis Optimization
A simple and versatile strategy is designed to successfully fabricate ultrafine TiO2 nano-cages based on the rapid decomposition reaction between amphoteric hydroxide and ammonia solution by pulsed laser ablation of Ti/Al alloy in liquid. With the ammonia concentration (Vammonia:Vwater, where V is v
2021-02-07 20:06:08 591KB
局部光场融合 | | Tensorflow实现可用于稀疏输入图像的新颖视图合成。 * 1 , * 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 2 1加州大学伯克利分校, 2 Fyusion Inc, 3德州农工大学, 4加州大学圣地亚哥分校*表示相等的贡献在SIGGRAPH 2019中 目录 安装TL; DR:设置并渲染演示场景 首先安装docker ()和nvidia-docker ()。 在基本目录中运行此命令,以下载预训练的检查点,下载Docker映像,并运行代码以在示例输入数据集上生成MPI和渲染的输出视频: bash sudo doc
2021-02-05 09:11:40 32.25MB deep-learning rendering light-field view-synthesis
Texture Synthesis Using Convolutional Neural Networks
2021-01-28 00:46:49 17.6MB texturesynthesi
Antenna's Array
2021-01-28 00:32:40 296KB Antenna'sArray
初学Xilinx hls 资料,非常详细,大大提升FPGA开发的效率,官方推荐,全中文对于英文不好的朋友 可以看看。
2020-11-19 20:32:55 6.29MB fpga/cpld