内附:软件+下载网址+手册。 Specair是用于计算空气等离子体辐射的发射或吸收光谱的程序。 它可以根据各种用户输入参数计算,显示和保存光谱。
2019-12-21 20:35:17 6.26MB specair plasma spectrum
The new version of 6S (4.1) is available: download: 6sv4.1.tar.Z from kratmos.gsfc.nasa.gov ( (use ftp for transfer, user:anonymous passwd:"your email") then change directory to 6S NB:6sv4.1.tar.Z is compressed (standart unix compress) Please register to the user mailing list by writing to: 6s@kratmos.gsfc.nasa.gov The MICROSOFT WORD document (version 6.0 for Macintosh, in AppleSingle format) of the manual is also available. It has been split in 3 parts : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw 6smanv2.0_P2_msw 6smanv2.0_P3_msw Make sure you download the files in binary mode (either by ftp or Fetch). A compressed version of the files is also available : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P2_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P3_msw.Z Use the "uncompress" unix command to retrieve the original Word documents, prior to transfer them to Mac or PC. A PostScript and a PDF version of the manual are also available : 6smanv2.0_P1.ps, 6smanv2.0_P2.ps, 6smanv2.0_P3.ps 6smanv2.0_P1.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P2.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P3.pdf
2019-12-21 20:19:25 5.69MB 6S (4.1)
CDMA Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications 英文版 维特比编著
2019-12-21 20:18:25 9.41MB CDMA Principles Spread Spectrum
2019-12-21 20:12:15 1.09MB spectrum sensing 入门教程
这是Spectrum Microwave 公司的出品小软件,有助于链路预算,射频工程师你值得拥有,还有不少小功能,非常的实用。
2019-12-21 19:33:09 6.43MB 射频链路预算 NF计算 线性度计算
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2019-12-21 19:28:26 23.56MB spread spectrum