很多偏理论的书籍最好是英文版的,中国的书都是抄来抄去的,要看就看国外的经典书,Electromagnetic Wave Theory 是电磁学的理论经典教材,绝对值得看,本书详细介绍了基于麦克斯韦方程组的电磁波的完整理论,主要内容包括电磁波理论中的基本定律与方程,传输线理论,电磁波的反向、透射、折射、绕射和散射,波导和谐振腔,辐射和天线理论基础,以及在狭义相对论指导下的、从洛伦兹协变的角度理解的麦克斯韦电磁波理论。
Microwave Filters Impedance Matching network and Coupling Structure,George L. Matthaei, Leo Young, E. M. T. Jones, Artech House, INC. 1980,微波滤波器方面的经典著作,1980年出版,把8个压缩包合成一个压缩包,节省大家的时间和积分。
This unique resource provides microwave remote sensing professionals with practical scattering and emission data models that represent the interaction between electromagnetic waves and a scene on the Earth surface in the microwave region. The book helps engineers understand and apply these models to their specific work in the field. CD-ROM Included! It contains Mathematica code for all the scattering and emission models presented the book, so practitioners can easily use the models for their own applications.