The information diffusion model is a very important factor in study of the.influence maximization problem. This paper contains two notes. The first one is a.simplified proof of Kempe–Kleinberg–Tadös conjecture on general threshold mode1.of social influence. The second one is on the verification of a
2021-02-07 12:05:52 223KB 研究论文
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2020-01-22 03:02:26 12.79MB opencv
[17] G. Piella. A general framework of multiresolution image fusion: From pixel to regions[J]. Information fusion, 2003(4):259-280. 英国OCTEC公司提供两组配准了的红外和彩色图像进行融合实验
2019-12-21 22:18:43 13.58MB 图像融合 image fushio
超分辨率修复或重建常用数据集,General-100数据集包含100个bmp格式的图像(无压缩),非常适合超分辨率训练(Dong,Chao和Loy,Chen Change和Tang,Xiaoou)
2019-12-21 20:49:53 39.9MB 数据集
易觅,Eame General,文章利器,中、英文论文写作必备。
2019-12-21 20:31:10 311KB Eame General 摘要 论文
2019-12-21 19:50:22 622KB 强化学习
鄙人仅是资源搬运工,今天看了原版英文后机器之心公众号立马更新了中文翻译,非常不错的资源。在此申明,中文翻译Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self_Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm由微信公众号机器之心整理。
2019-12-21 19:50:22 955KB 强化学习
2019-12-21 19:39:00 5.77MB topology
Weinberg distills the essence from von Bertalanffy's classic and manages to present it in a very accessible fashion. The book has been out of print for quite a while so it is great to see a new edition. The message and information contained in here, although originally published in 1975, is now more relevant than ever. Weinberg covers many aspects of systems theory beginning with the main stumbling block with the present scientific paradigm: the idea that the universe is mechanistic. His treatment is much more general than Robert Rosen's in "Life Itself" but still conveys why the mechanistic notion is flawed. He then outlines the general systems theory approach before leading into the idea that a system is simply a way of looking at the world. He then outlines the principle of indifference. This leads straight into two sections outlining various aspects of making observations. Finally he discusses behaviour and then some general systems questions. Throughout the book he uses many examples from disparate fields in conjunction with questions for further research. It is great to see someone who doesn't preach systems but actually uses the ideas. Definitely a must-read as we decided how to solve the myriad of issues before us.
2019-12-21 19:25:11 1.59MB General Systems Thinking