Java 允许您玩在线游戏,与世界各地的人聊天,计算您的按揭利息,并以 3D 形式查看图像。这些以 Java 编程语言编写的应用程序和可从浏览中访问的应用程序称为小程序。公司还将 Java 小程序用于内部网应用程序和其他电子商务的解决方案。所有主要行业的公司都在使用 Java。无论是部署在手机、嵌入式设备、游戏机、笔记本电脑还是数据中心,Java 都提供了当今网络应用所需要的丰富的用户界面、性能、多功能性、可移植性和安全性。Java 平台标准版软件是快速开发和部署安全、便携式应用程序的首选平台,可跨大多数操作系统的服务器和桌面系统。 Java 平台标准版(Java SE)可让您在台式机和服务器以及当今苛刻的嵌入式环境中开发和部署 Java 应用程序。Java 提供了当今应用程序所需的丰富的用户界面、性能、通用性、可移植性和安全性。 Java SE Runtime Environment(运行时环境)包含了运行以 Java 编程语言编写的程序所必需的 Java 虚拟机、运行时类库和 Java 应用程序启动器。 Java 平台的安全性 一个由角色提供的安全信息的描述。适用于开发人员,系统管理员,家庭用户和安全专业人士。 主要特点: - 在一个平台上编写软件,并可在几乎任何其它平台上运行 - 创建的程序可在 Web 浏览器和 Web 服务中运行 - 可开发用于在线论坛、商店、投票、HTML 表单处理等服务器端应用程序 - 结合基于 Java 技术的应用程序或服务来创建高度可定制的应用程序或服务 - 为手机、远程处理器、低成本消费产品和几乎任何具有数字内核的设备编写功能强大且高效的应用程序 Java SE 8 现在可用 Java 平台标准版 8(Java SE 8)是一个主要的功能版本。它包含了很多功能领域的新功能和增强功能。Java SE 8 通过减少样板代码,改进了集合和注释,简单的并行编程模型和更有效地利用现代多核处理器,提高了开发人员的工作效率和显着的增强了应用程序的性能。 Java SE 8u172 版本更新:2018年4月17日
2020-02-02 03:01:23 68.54MB Java运行环境 Java SE Runtime
It’s been almost eight years since I first updated Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, and already so much has changed. • Before the second edition was published, The Open Group created a 2004 edition of the Single UNIX Specification, folding in the changes from two sets of corrigenda. In 2008, The Open Group created a new version of the Single UNIX Specification, updating the base definitions, adding new interfaces, and removing obsolete ones. This was called the 2008 version of POSIX.1, which included version 7 of the Base Specification and was published in 2009. In 2010, this was bundled with an updated curses interface and reissued as version 4 of the Single UNIX Specification. • Versions 10.5, 10.6, and 10.8 of the Mac OS X operating system, running on Intel processors, have been certified to be UNIX® systems by The Open Group. • Apple Computer discontinued development of Mac OS X for the PowerPC platform. From Release 10.6 (Snow Leopard) onward, new operating system versions are released for the x86 platform only. • The Solaris operating system was released in open source form to try to compete with the popularity of the open source model followed by FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X. After Oracle Corporation bought Sun Microsystems in 2010, it discontinued the development of OpenSolaris. Instead, the Solaris community formed the Illumos project to continue open source development based on OpenSolaris. For more information, see
2020-01-15 03:06:55 18.48MB POSIX C
Mastering Vim will introduce you to the wonderful world of Vim through examples of working with Python code and tools in a project-based fashion. This book will prompt you to make Vim your primary IDE, since you will learn to use it for any programming language
2020-01-03 11:40:15 7.6MB vim neovim vi editor
unity展厅场景Showroom Environment 1.1 要求Unity 5.5.1 或更高版本。
2019-12-21 22:23:42 16.6MB 资源 unity 展厅 展馆
cadence 蒙特卡洛仿真,资料很全面,非常适合模拟IC设计的初学者。
2019-12-21 21:43:38 2.33MB Analog Design Environment
2019-12-21 20:53:53 813KB Android Build Environment Ubuntu
网盘链接  unity熔岩火山场景L.V.E - Lava & Volcano Environment 1.1.7 所支持的Unity版本:2017.1.0 及以上版本 Pack Support - Unity 2017 - Unity 2018 - Unity 2018 LW SRP - Unity 5.6 (restup materials need)
2019-12-21 20:21:30 519B unity
非常少有的visual environment 学习资源,可用于力学 声学等的模拟
2019-12-21 20:17:21 3.7MB visual environment
UNIX环境高级编程第三版(英文原版)(超清晰pdf) The first edition of the book was published by Addison-Wesley in 1992. It covered programming for the two popular families of the Unix operating system, the Berkeley Software Distribution (in particular 4.3 BSD and 386BSD) and AT&T's UNIX System V (particularly SVR4). The book covers system calls for operations on single file descriptors, special calls like ioctl that operate on file descriptors, and operations on files and directories. It covers the stdio section of the C standard library, and other parts of the library as needed. The several chapters concern the APIs that control processes, process groups, daemons, inter-process communication, and signals. One chapter is devoted to the Unix terminal control and another to the pseudo terminal concept and to libraries like termcap and curses that build atop it. Stevens adds three chapters giving more concrete examples of Unix programming: he implements a database library, communicates with a PostScript printer, and with a modem. The book does not cover network programming: this is the subject of Stevens' 1990 book UNIX Network Programming and his subsequent three-volume TCP/IP Illustrated. Stevens died in 1999 leaving a second edition incomplete. With the increasing popularity and technical diversification of Unix derivatives, and largely compatible systems like the Linux environment, the code and coverage of Stevens' original became increasingly outdated. Working with Stevens' unfinished notes, Stephen A. Rago completed a second edition which Addison-Wesley published in 2005. This added support for FreeBSD, Linux, Sun's Solaris, and Apple's Darwin, and added coverage of multithreaded programming with POSIX Threads. The second edition features a foreword by Dennis Ritchie and a Unix-themed Dilbert strip by Scott Adams. The book has been widely lauded as well written, well crafted, and comprehensive. It received a "hearty recommendation" in a Linux Journal review[1] OSNews describes it
2019-12-21 20:13:05 19.65MB UNIX
芬兰人开发的一个专门用于DTN网络仿真的软件,用Java语言写的,该模拟器本身能支持First Contact, Epidemic, Spray and Wait, Direct delivery, PRoPHET and MaxProp这几种路由。 具体的安装方法里面有一个README.txt,很有用,不仅介绍了the ONE的一些性能,还有具体的安装以及示例。由于本身只是一些源代码,所以需要用户重新编译。具体的方法是: 1、安装Java5,配置好路径等; 2、点击文件夹下的compile.bat进行编译; 3、运行one.bat,就可以看见GUI了,此时模拟的是default。txt配置的DTN网络,如果要自己配置的DTN网络,则输入one My*.txt即可。 希望能对大家有用,另外还有一个用于DTN网络模拟的软件叫DTNsim2,是加拿大的waterloo 大学开发的
2019-12-21 19:52:09 888KB ONE DTN网络 模拟 传染病路由