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XP2004下Miscellaneous Devices.Intlib元件库中常用元件都有,方便找到需要的元件。
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包括英文文档:TPS-1用户手册:硬件;用于TPS-1-PROFINET IRT设备芯片的低成本解决方案套件;TPS-1低成本解决方案套件-并行IO模式入门 等9个文档
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我们的项目旨在为T-Mobile Wing,HTC Herald和其他基于OMAP850的设备开发Linux和Android支持。
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Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices PDF文档,扫描版
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Introduction: PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices is one of a series of five PSpice books and introduces the latest Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 by simulating a range of DC and AC exercises. It is aimed primarily at those wishing to get up to speed with this version but will be of use to high school students, undergraduate students, and of course, lecturers. Circuit theorems are applied to a range of circuits and the calculations by hand after analysis are then compared to the simulated results. The Laplace transform and the s-plane are used to analyze CR and LR circuits where transient signals are involved. Here, the Probe output graphs demonstrate what a great learning tool PSpice is by providing the reader with a visual verification of any theoretical calculations. Series and parallel-tuned resonant circuits are investigated where the difficult concepts of dynamic impedance and selectivity are best understood by sweeping different circuit parameters through a range of values. Obtaining semiconductor device characteristics as a laboratory exercise has fallen out of favour of late, but nevertheless, is still a useful exercise for understanding or modelling semiconductor devices. Inverting and non-inverting operational amplifiers characteristics such as gain-bandwidth are investigated and we will see the dependency of bandwidth on the gain using the performance analysis facility. Power amplifiers are examined where PSpice/Probe demonstrates very nicely the problems of cross-over distortion and other problems associated with power transistors. We examine power supplies and the problems of regulation, ground bounce, and power factor correction. Lastly, we look at MOSFET device characteristics and show how these devices are used to form basic CMOS logic gates such as NAND and NOR gates. Basics: 平装: 159页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 1598291564 条形码: 9781598291568 商品尺寸: 19 x 1 x 23.5 cm 商品重量: 313 g ASIN: 1598291564
2021-04-24 21:31:26 26.34MB Cadence Pspice Circuit Theo