2021-04-02 09:03:53 559KB 电路 器件
Modern semiconductor devices for integrated circuits.pdf
2021-03-28 17:04:31 13.6MB semiconductor devices circuits
Measuring and Evaluating the Security Level of Circuits
2021-03-23 16:00:09 18.15MB 芯片安全
2021-03-21 17:10:02 10KB
史密斯电子学解答/ 包含课本例题讲解以及习题解答
2021-03-17 10:08:33 27.07MB 史密斯电子学
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text. A balance of theory, worked & extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems complete this edition. Robust media offerings, renders this text to be the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis out there. This book retains the "Design a Problem" feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question, as well as the solution. There are over 100 "Design a Problem" exercises integrated into problem sets in the book.
2021-03-14 20:30:10 12.39MB Fundamentals of
This market-leading textbook continues its standard of excellence and innovation built on the solid pedagogical foundation that instructors expect from Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith. New to this Edition: A revised study of the MOSFET and the BJT and their application in amplifier design. Improved treatment of such important topics as cascode amplifiers, frequency response, and feedback Reorganized and modernized coverage of Digital IC Design. New topics, including Class D power amplifiers, IC filters and oscillators, and image sensors A new "expand-your-perspective" feature that provides relevant historical and application notes Two thirds of the end-of-chapter problems are new or revised
2021-03-06 15:08:09 62.13MB electronic Circuits
MIT: Circuits, signals, and systems.pdf
2021-02-15 15:03:52 67.94MB Circuitssystem
Circuits是一个轻量级事件驱动的异步应用程序框架,用于,具有强大的组件体系结构。 电路还包括一个轻量,高性能和可扩展的符合HTTP / WSGI的Web服务器以及各种I / O和网络组件。 有问题吗? (标记为: circuits-framework ) 例子 产品特点 事件驱动 并发支持 组件架构 异步I / O组件 无需外部依赖 功能齐全的Web框架(circuits.web) 基于协程的同步原语 要求 除了之外,电路没有依赖性。 支持平台 Linux,FreeBSD,Mac OS X,Windows Python 2.7、3.4、3.5、3.6 pypy(越新越好) 安装
2021-02-05 10:08:38 585KB python events framework web
Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits英文版,射频微波电路入门
2020-11-06 17:17:13 9.79MB RF Microwave Circuits 射频