2022-05-18 18:04:55 9KB 算法 c语言 文档资料 开发语言
2022-05-14 11:19:40 2.02MB 数学建模
标准C写成的实现FTP上传下载功能的源代码,浅显易懂,编程新手可以看看其层次划分和代码编写风格。 标准C写成的实现FTP上传下载功能的源代码,浅显易懂,编程新手可以看看其层次划分和代码编写风格。
2022-05-13 16:45:13 870KB C语言 代码 FTP 上传
主存空间的分配与回收(伙伴算法) 用c语言写的 大家看看
2022-05-12 16:07:15 4KB 伙伴算法 c语言 代码 主存分配回收
2022-05-12 09:09:57 535KB 算法 c语言 开发语言
实现n<15的最短遍历 Gord is training for a marathon. Behind his house is a park with a large network of jogging trails connecting water stations. Gord wants to find the shortest jogging route that travels along every trail at least once. Input Input consists of several test cases. The first line of input for each case contains two positive integers: n <= 15, the number of water stations, and m < 1000, the number of trails. For each trail, there is one subsequent line of input containing three positive integers: the first two, between 1 and n, indicating the water stations at the end points of the trail; the third indicates the length of the trail, in cubits. There may be more than one trail between any two stations; each different trail is given only once in the input; each trail can be travelled in either direction. It is possible to reach any trail from any other trail by visiting a sequence of water stations connected by trails. Gord's route may start at any water station, and must end at the same station. A single line containing 0 follows the last test case. Output
2022-05-11 14:30:50 1KB 最短遍历
该代码集包含了数据结构课程所涉及的算法的C语言实现代码,以及一些经典的算法C语言实现代码。例如二分查找(截取部分代码): int search_bin(char *t,char k) { int low=1,high=10,mid; while (low<=high) { mid=(low+high)/2; if (k==t[mid]) return mid; else if (k
2022-05-11 04:35:08 809KB 代码 C语言 数据结构 算法
自适应 PID c语言自适应 PID
2022-05-10 16:26:17 10KB pid 自适应
2022-05-10 14:44:06 239KB 循环赛
2022-05-08 15:12:15 12KB 易语言代码转换VB代码 VB代码