BIOS 提取工具 微码 775 771 BIOS 提取工具 微码 775 771
2023-08-21 09:29:07 1.16MB BIOS 提取工具 微码 775
主板BIOS固件添加Nvme驱动 NVMeExpressDxE.ffs XiaoFengNvmExpressDxe.ffs 压缩版(适合BIOS芯片容量不够或者空间不足时使用) NvmExpressDxe_Small_Compressed.ffs NvmExpress协议For Masako.ffs
2023-08-18 22:14:56 39KB 软件/插件
2023-08-16 12:52:05 6.58MB BIOS
PIQY0212Ax64,目前Y470 Y570已知可找到最新版BIOS,编号47CN34WW 版本V2.12,可同步刷同版本EC,win7 x64位系统下亲测,管理员权限直接刷入。
2023-08-11 02:03:28 3.63MB 软件/插件
SMBIOS获取system bios ec cpu memory等相关信息
2023-08-10 10:37:37 8KB SMBIOS
1.0 Overview 3 1.1 Goals of a Plug and Play System BIOS 4 1.2 Enhancements to the current BIOS architecture 5 1.3 Elements of the Plug and Play BIOS architecture 6 1.3.1 Bi-modal functionality 6 1.3.2 OS Independence 6 1.3.3 Expandability 6 1.4 Installation Structure 7 2.0 System BIOS Initialization 7 2.1 System BIOS POST Requirements 7 2.1.1 System Board Storage Requirements 8 2.1.2 System BIOS Resource Management 9 2.1.3 Isolating Committed Resources 9 2.1.4 System BIOS Resource Allocation 9 2.2 Plug and Play ISA Card Support 11 2.2.1 Assigning CSN to Plug and Play ISA cards 11 2.2.2 Initializing Plug and Play ISA Cards 11 2.3 BIOS POST Option ROM Initialization 12 2.4 Transferring Control to the Operating System 13 2.5 POST Execution flow 13 3.0 Option ROM Support 16 3.1 Option ROM Header 16 3.2 Expansion Header for Plug and Play 17 3.3 Option ROM Initialization 22 3.4 Option ROM Initialization flow 23 3.5 ISA Option ROMs and Resource Mapping 24 3.6 Error Recovery: Returning to the Boot flow 24 4.0 Configuration Support 25 4.1 System Device Configuration List 25 4.2 System Device Node Definition 25 4.3 Plug and Play BIOS Functions 29 4.4 Plug and Play Installation Check 29 4.4.1 System BIOS Plug and Play Compliance - "$PnP" 32 4.5 System Configuration Interface 34 4.5.1 Function 0 - Get Number of System Device Nodes 35 4.5.2 Function 1 - Get System Device Node 36 4.5.3 Function 2 - Set System Device Node 38 4.6 Event Notification Interface 40 4.6.1 Function 3 - Get Event 42 4.6.2 Function 4 - Send Message 43 4.6.3 Function 5 - Get Docking Station Information 47 4.6.4 Function 6 - Reserved 49 4.6.5 Function 7 - Reserved 49 4.6.6 Function 8 - Reserved 49 4.7 Extended Configuration Services 50 4.7.1 Function 9 - Set Statically Allocated Resource Information 51 4.7.2 Function 0Ah - Get Statically Allocated Resource Information 53 4.7.3 Function 40h - Get Plug & Play ISA Configuration Structure 54 4.7.4 Function 41h - Get Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) Info 56 4.7.5 Function 42h - Read Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) 56 4.7.6 Function 43h - Write Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) 57 4.8 Power Management Services 58 4.8.1 Function 0Bh - Get APM ID Table 58 Appendix A: Generic Option ROM Headers 61 Appendix B: Device Driver Initialization Model 62 Appendix C: Return Codes
2023-07-19 17:29:04 396KB System BIOS Initialization Option
2023-07-19 13:18:46 2.37MB 软件/插件 BIOS 英特尔
2023-07-12 23:24:19 485KB 范文/模板/素材 DMIEDIT UUID BIOS
支持Nvme启动盘, 是原版修改来的.
2023-07-07 22:32:24 8MB Bios Asus