1 Introduction Paraxial optics, ideal lenses, optical systems, raytrace, Zemax handling 2 Optimization I Basic principles, paraxial layout, thin lenses, transition to thick lenses, scaling, Delano diagram, bending 3 Optimization II merit function requirements, effectiveness of variables 4 Optimization III complex formulations, solves, hard and soft constraints 5 Structural modifications zero operands, lens splitting, aspherization, cementing, lens addition, lens removal 6 Aberrations and performance Geometrical aberrations, wave aberrations, PSF, OTF, sine condition, aplanatism, isoplanatism 7 Aspheres and freeforms spherical correction with aspheres, Forbes approach, distortion correction, freeform surfaces, optimal location of aspheres, several aspheres 8 Field flattening thick meniscus, plus-minus pairs, field lenses 9 Chromatical correction Achromatization, apochromatic correction, dialyt, Schupman principle, axial versus transversal, glass selection rules, burried surfaces 10 Special topics symmetry, sensitivity, anamorphotic lenses 11 Higher order aberrations high NA systems, broken achromates, Merte surfaces, AC meniscus lenses 12 Advanced optimization strategies local optimization, control of iteration, global approaches, growing requirements, AC-approach of Shafer 13 Mirror systems special aspects, bending of ray paths, catadioptric systems 14 Diffractive elements color correction, straylight suppression, third order aberrations 15 Tolerancing and adjustment tolerances, procedure, adjustment, compensators
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