Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) aims to predict perceptual image quality scores without access to reference images. State-of-the-art BIQA methods typically require subjects to score a large number of images to train a robust model. However, the acquisition of image quality scores has several limitations: 1) scores are not precise, because subjects are usually uncertain about which score most precisely represents the perceptual quality of a given image; 2) subjective judgments of quality may be biased by image content; 3) the quality scales between different distortion categories are inconsistent, because images corrupted by different types of distortion are evaluated independently in subjective experiments; and 4) it is challenging to obtain a large scale database, or to extend existing databases, because of the inconvenience of collecting sufficient images associated with different kinds of distortion that have diverse levels of degradation, training the subjects, conducting subjective experiments, and realigning human quality evaluations. To combat these limitations, this paper explores and exploits preference image pairs (PIPs) such as “the quality of image Ia is better than that of image Ib” for training a robust BIQA model. The preference label, representing the relative quality of two images, is generally precise and consistent, and is not sensitive to image content, distortion type, or subject identity; such PIPs can be generated at very low cost. The proposed BIQA method is one of learning to rank. We first formulate the problem of learning the mapping from the image features to the preference label as one of classification. In particular, we investigate the utilization of a multiple kernel learning algorithm based on group lasso (MKLGL) to provide a solution. A simple but effective strategy to estimate perceptual image quality scores is then presented. Experiments show that the proposed BIQA method is highly effective and achieves comparable performance
2021-10-08 17:29:11 1.54MB 图像质量评价
2021-10-06 13:03:24 79KB
2021-10-02 11:50:14 6.28MB deep-learning matlab matconvnet iqa
空间频率 (SF) 是一种图像质量指标,用于测量图像中的整体活动水平 [1]。 空间频率定义为 SF= sqrt (RF^2 + CF^2) 其中 RF 是行频率,CF 是列频率。 可以在此处找到 CF、RF 和 SF 的公式 [1,2]。 Li等。 SF 的当前值,介于 5 和 30 之间。此处给出的空间频率函数生成介于 0 和 1 之间的值。这可能是由于灰度。 Li等。 不介绍它们的灰度化方法。 这里,Matlab 函数 rgb2gray [3] 用于通过形成 R、G 和 B 分量的加权总和将 RGB 值转换为灰度值: 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B 这些权重与 rgb2ntsc 函数用于计算 Y 分量的权重相同。 rgb2gray 中用于计算灰度值的系数与 ITU-R BT.601-7 建议书中用于计算亮度 (E'y) 的系数相同,四
2021-09-26 13:11:26 2KB matlab
matlab终止以下代码PWRC源代码发布。 作者:吴庆波版本:Beta1.0 作者在中国电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院就读。 这项研究旨在开发更合理,更可靠的秩相关指标(RCI)来评估不同的IQA模型。 当两个不同的排名结果共享相同的Spearman或Kendall的排名相关系数时,我们直观地说明它们可以推荐完全不同的增强结果。 客观测试和主观测试都证实,用户友好的RCI倾向于奖励对高质量图像进行正确排名的能力,并抑制了对不敏感排名错误的关注。 ================================================== ========================= - - - - - - - - - - - - -版权声明 - - - - - - - - - - - - -----------版权所有(c)中国电子科技大学2018年保留所有权利。 对于希望将代码用于非商业研究和/或教育目的的研究人员和教育工作者,我们可以提供以下条款: 研究人员仅可将代码用于非商业研究和教育目的。 研究人员对其使用该代码承担全部责任,并应就其因使用该代码而引起的任何和所
2021-09-22 19:11:44 3.33MB 系统开源
图像质量评估的信息保真度(Information Fidelity Critterion, IFC). 论文: H. R. Sheikh, A. C. Bovik, and G. de Veciana, "An Information Fidelity Criterion for Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics," IEEE Transactios on Image Processing, in publication, May 2005.
2021-09-22 18:38:53 6KB 图像质量评估 信息保真度
2021-09-22 15:27:55 14.74MB 海思 华为 图像调试 3559
2021-09-20 17:33:16 842KB 论文研究
2021-09-12 17:30:41 767B 灰度图 信息熵 图像质量