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Filled with helpful examples and real-life projects of SAS users, A Recipe for Success Using SAS University Edition is an easy guide on how to start applying the analytical power of SAS to real-world scenarios. This book shows you: • how to start using analytics • how to use SAS to accomplish a project goal • how to effectively apply SAS to your community or school • how users like you implemented SAS to solve their analytical problems A beginner’s guide on how to create and complete your first analytics project using SAS University Edition, this book is broken down into easy-to-read chapters that also include quick takeaway tips. It introduces you to the vocabulary and structure of the SAS language, shows you how to plan and execute a successful project, introduces you to basic statistics, and it walks you through case studies to inspire and motivate you to complete your own projects. Following a recipe for success using this book, harness the power of SAS to plan and complete your first analytics project!
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CS231 卷积神经网络(中文版,带书签), 整理 知乎:, 部分小节自己翻译。
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