这是一个用C#编写的Unity资源包,可以录制麦克风的语音输入,转换成MP3和WAV格式,已经封装成了类,方便大家使用,导入后如果报错,请修改.NET API File => Build Settings => Player Settings => (in Inspector) Other Settings => Optimization => Api Compatibility Level : .Net 2.0 里边有使用说明。也可以直接使用EncodeMP3.convert(clip,filePath,128);将一个指定的 clip转成MP3格式。
2019-12-21 21:23:43 366KB Unity 麦克风 录音 WAV
2019-12-21 20:39:36 164B Unity3D,C#
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支持unity5.0的影片纹理插件 适用于ios android等平台 尺寸大小可以自定义
2019-12-21 19:41:23 23.03MB Unity5.0 Mobile Movie Texture2.1.2
Book Description Unity 5 is a flexible and intuitive multiplatform game engine that is becoming the industry’s de facto standard. Learn to craft your own 2D and 3D computer games by working through core concepts such as animation, audio, shaders, GUI, lights, cameras, and scripting to create your own games with one of the most important and popular engines in the industry. Completely re-written to cover the new features of Unity 5, this book is a great resource for all Unity game developers, from those who have recently started using Unity right up to game development experts. The first half of the book focuses on core concepts of 2D game design while the second half focuses on developing 3D game development skills. In the first half, you will discover the new GUI system, the new Audio Mixer, external files, and animating 2D characters in 2D game development. As you progress further, you will familiarize yourself with the new Standard Shaders, the Mecanim system, Cameras, and the new Lighting features to hone your skills towards building 3D games to perfection. Finally, you will learn non-player character control and explore Unity 5's extra features to enhance your 3D game development skills.
2019-12-21 19:21:28 13.16MB Unity5.x Cookbook Unity 英文
vuforia for unity 5.0版本,高通增强现实三维识别 for unity的插件。
2019-12-21 18:59:04 33.17MB vuforia 高通 增强现实 三维识别
unity5.6 老电视花屏效果
2019-12-21 18:54:36 7.19MB unity3d 老电视 花屏